Killed a bird this morning


Supramania Contributor
So, here it was about 7am. I'm sleeping feeling all nice and comfy, then this sparrow flys over to my windowsill and decides to chirp his ass off. After a while when I got annoyed, I proceeded to throw some dirty clothes at the window that were on the floor. Bird gets scared and flies away. Ok, time to go back to sleep!

After about two minutes it comes back and starts chirping again. I roll out of bed and go up to the window and hit the screen. Bird flies away. Back to bed.

The son-of-a-bitch comes back again. Maybe five minutes this time. I roll over and look at it. This time he's staring at me and then he starts to squack realll loud and flap his wings. He's like yeah, f*ck you stupid human!

Ok, I've had enough. I get up once more and scare him away. Back to bed, but this time it's with my crossman pump rifle :D

I open the window screen and lay down in sniper postion with blankets over me and part of my pillow covering the chrome barrel. Guess what, teh bird comes back! Not knowing that it's going to be the last time he lands on any more apartment complex window sills, he lands and I promptly unload two pointy-head pellets in his chest on ten pumps.... f*cker.

I hope this is an example to all of his bird friends that have nests in the area. Don't come to my window.

With mission accomplished I return to bed only to wake up three hours later by people outside and screaming babies....
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moved, funny, and a kill, but not a kill as in the described forum rules thingies...

feel free to post this in OT anytime..good stuff.



I think it was the google
Mar 30, 2005
The Farm
*in the unreal voice* "HEAD SHOT".
love the sniper part and the end, Mission accoplished.
god you made my day better.


7Ms are for Cressidas
Apr 1, 2005
Woodstock, GA
I killed a bird with my car. Was driving about 45mph when I saw an older Ferrari pull out of one of the turn-offs where the rich people in town live. I was looking in the side-view, and then turned and looked backwards out the driver's side to see if he was going my way. I saw that he crossed and got into the lane to go the other direction, so I was disappointed, but when I turned back around, a little bird swooped down out of the trees and smacked my windshield. It hit RIGHT as I got my focus back on the road ahead and made me swerve a little.


Supramania Contributor
Soryy guys, no pics. I'm so poor I don't even have a digi. I'm also on this retarded msn-tv internet type thing. I don't think it'll let me upload any pics.

Yeah, I hope all of his bird friends were watching, so they can think twice about landing on my 2nd floor window sill. :D


Supramania Contributor
drunk_medic said:
I killed a bird with my car. Was driving about 45mph when I saw an older Ferrari pull out of one of the turn-offs where the rich people in town live. I was looking in the side-view, and then turned and looked backwards out the driver's side to see if he was going my way. I saw that he crossed and got into the lane to go the other direction, so I was disappointed, but when I turned back around, a little bird swooped down out of the trees and smacked my windshield. It hit RIGHT as I got my focus back on the road ahead and made me swerve a little.

Haha, you just reminded me. I was about 17 and I was driving my 93' z28 lt1. I was on my way to my friends house. For some sick reason I have always tried to hit bids that were just chillin in the road, but never any luck.

This time would pay off, however. There was a group of pigeons in the road just sitting there on a busy street in New Britain, Ct. I said to myself "not this time are you getting away", lol. I threw her into 2nd and ROMPED on it! I clipped the over grown flying object with the front left fender, haha. Then I was like YES!! I finally hit a bird with a car! Took a right and went to my friends house. Ha, I'm such an idiot.


streetside mechanic
Mar 31, 2005
In the Garage
I had a bird hit me before. I think it was trying to commit suicide because i was driving and out of no where this f-ing thing flies straight at my front windshield like i wasn't even there and scares the living sh*t out of me. I was like it had a death wish or something. It even left a imprint on the windshield because it look like it was dusty or something very possible pollen. I left the imprint for a couple weeks just to show my friends.


May 1, 2005
Melbourne, Australia
my brother had a seagull go under the cabin of the truck and get taken out by the fan

as you can see thats a BIG fan :)

(1967 Kenworth 8v92 Detroit Diesel (yes thats a supercharger, and thats 92 CI x 8 cyls)


Mr. Evergreen
Mar 30, 2005
yea birds like to get killed, i always am reluctant on the gas when there are quails in the road, THEY CAN FLY BUT INSTEAD THEY JUST RUN. one time i was just assuming they would move like always i caught one on the takeoff with my license plate (kind of bent so it stuck out on bottom) got stuck and fell and died. all i found was feathers,

so far i'm pretty sure my car has killed: quails , the easter bunny, and tons of squirells. (sp??)

its like toyota's rendition of cristine.


Supramania Contributor
Apr 1, 1983
The beach
I havent hit anythin in the supra.. i did skin the top of a cats head with my bmw, i had a low air dam, with a sharp edge. cat ran in front of me at 50 mph... BAM. saw the cat roll in my mirror. got home and pulled the layer of skin off the spoiler. it was SWEET. i ALWAYS aim for birds though... specialy in my f250 diesel.... big frontal area makes for easier hits.


7Ms are for Cressidas
Apr 1, 2005
Woodstock, GA
Someone who takes pleasure in the injury of animals is often the sign of someone with mental sickness; these people hurt animals to make themselves feel more powerful than they are.

That being said, waking up angry and whupping on a frustration is understandable.

My wife told me that when I was napping on the couch, one of the cats was at the top of the couch and started to rub my knee [leg was bent at the knee]. In my sleep, I lifted my leg and kicked the crap outta the poor cat. She also told me that another time in my sleep, I was laying on my side and I must've been dreaming, because my foot was twitching some. Well, my all black kitten, Eddie, was playing with my foot some. She said I pulled my leg back and booted the poor guy across the room. Haha he was a kitten back then - now he's a good 13 pound cat. I can't launch him quite that far anymore. [that's a joke - he's my buddy].