sorry to bring this up being as it's been a couple months now since the last reply.. but i too am looking at doing something like this for my car when i return from all my National Guard training. The last owner of my mk3 decided to bypass the clutch safety switch, so the clutch doesn't need to be pressed in order for the car to start. however, they messed something up, so now it loses power somewhere around there, which makes it only wanna start maybe half the time i try, or less. anyway, so now we put a wire on the starter that goes to the battery, when the wire touches the + part of the battery, it will start up. Kind of a pain to have to open the hood and do that every time i wanna drive, so i'm thinking of doing something along these lines. Be kinda cool to have it like nascar, get in, flip some switches to get power going, then hit a button. anyone else got any good suggestions of how to wire that?? gonna be awhile till i get there, being as first i have to get the engine rebuilt.