here is the key is very old and worn out and now i cant turn it out of the lock position to take the key cylinder out...does anyone kno anyother way of taking that stupid thing out cuz it is frustrating me :S lol...
ill post them up tomorow its in my garage right now where i work...but is there something u wana kno about it ill tell u...CRE said:Got picks?
damit i should have asked you guys earlier i ordered a new steering colunm which is on its way so i cant even stop it well i guess now i wat i went to the dealer ship and told them that i needed a new key cuz my old one is all worn out there like oh if you dont have the code we cant make it they never said that its on the passenger side :Sbillspreston01 said:the key code is stamped on the passenger side door lock housing. 6 digits. Get that number and have toyota cut you a new key.