First of all, my name is Roy and i am located west in Norway, tought i should get around and start using this forum for once :icon_bigg
I ave recently started rebuilding my 87 Hardtop MA70 Supra. I bought this car back in the summer of 2012 and have had it off the road since winter 2013.
It was originally a NA Hardtop bought new here in Norway in a grey metallic color back in early 87. When i bought it two years ago it was a ok looking car but mechanically it was far from top. I drove it 20k miles in one year, and gave it tons of abuse..
Last summer i decided i either wanted to sell it or get it on 100% condition and bukd it as i realy wanted it to be.
That includes a 1JZ engine, new R154, Standalone and JZA70 trim all around.
Here is some pictures of the car from two years ago.

As you can see it looks in fairly good shape, but the engine was having bad oil consumption and i was realy tired of driving around in a car i didnt feel 100% satisfied with...
So then it all started, i got in contact with Toyparts in Norway wich is a specialist with MK3 Supras and we made a plan for a 1JZ conversion with mods.
Underneath will be different updates from the work, i will finnish the cars interior and exterior before it gets the transplant.
I ave recently started rebuilding my 87 Hardtop MA70 Supra. I bought this car back in the summer of 2012 and have had it off the road since winter 2013.
It was originally a NA Hardtop bought new here in Norway in a grey metallic color back in early 87. When i bought it two years ago it was a ok looking car but mechanically it was far from top. I drove it 20k miles in one year, and gave it tons of abuse..
Last summer i decided i either wanted to sell it or get it on 100% condition and bukd it as i realy wanted it to be.
That includes a 1JZ engine, new R154, Standalone and JZA70 trim all around.
Here is some pictures of the car from two years ago.

As you can see it looks in fairly good shape, but the engine was having bad oil consumption and i was realy tired of driving around in a car i didnt feel 100% satisfied with...
So then it all started, i got in contact with Toyparts in Norway wich is a specialist with MK3 Supras and we made a plan for a 1JZ conversion with mods.
Underneath will be different updates from the work, i will finnish the cars interior and exterior before it gets the transplant.