Just to clear up about me...The Legend of Drunk_Medic


Starcraft II ^^;;
Mar 30, 2005
Milwaukee, WI
drunk_medic said:
For awhile there, I had a roommate that was into CounterStrike. We would LAN together and were in a clan, [EM] (Elite Mercenaries). Before you got into the clan, you had a trial period where you had to square off against their recruiter, who was arguably the best member of [EM]. This "boot camp" was [FMJ] (Full Metal Jacket) and was good, because you had to prove that you were able to repeatedly be good, and able to show up when promised/scheduled. When playing CounterStrike, I used the name Buford T. Justice, named after the Sheriff from Smokey and the Bandit.

All in all, TFC was 10x more entertaining to me than CounterStrike, and I eventually dropped it. In CS, I was good with "odd" weapons - you know, the cheap ones that people never like to use, like the Mac-10, Pump Shotgun and the Scout sniper rifle.

See, I liked Counter Strike but I had a good excuse. When I started playing CS it was only because the people I played Starcraft with for 3+ years in channel "No Hunters" started playing. There was a server called icantwin ( www.icantwin.com ) which Agent911 ran, who was an old SC god.... the Server was almost ENITIRELY played by SC players, and nearly EVERYONE was a regular. This was in CS 1.0 mind you, before many servers had stat pages, but ours did, and at the end of every season there was a "Awards Page" for like most kills with x. It was probably the least serious server you could find, but incrediably fun / funny. I have so many memories of APC crazyness on seige and bathroom camping on militia ( with the ENTIRE TEAM ). Everyone knew each other, everyone loved it.... but around 1.3 it died :(. Everyone who plays there still remembers the good times. Oh, the server was full nearly 24/7 with the regulars, it was a constant refresh battle when me and my friends got out of school ... just to get in to the fun!

Also I eventually got good at it around 1.3, before it was huge still, and I won my computer at a local cyber cafe tourney.