Hey Guys,
Just picked up a 92' Turbo targa Auto, as DD/Project car.
It's not currently running, I towed it home.
The car cranks and turns over no problem, but stalls out within 1 second of starting, even when given gas.
The engine bay is not pretty at all, the prior owner did quite the hack-job on it. Silicone, oil, wires... Everywhere.
It's NOT throwing any codes at all, to my amazement.
When started, it pours a white-ish smoke from 2 places, after trying to start for about 3 seconds:
1. Right beside the AFM, a small pipe which looks like it may have been cut.
2. From the whole turbo/heatsheild area.
Any insight as what could be happening here?
Thanks in advance,
- Kev
Just picked up a 92' Turbo targa Auto, as DD/Project car.
It's not currently running, I towed it home.
The car cranks and turns over no problem, but stalls out within 1 second of starting, even when given gas.
The engine bay is not pretty at all, the prior owner did quite the hack-job on it. Silicone, oil, wires... Everywhere.
It's NOT throwing any codes at all, to my amazement.
When started, it pours a white-ish smoke from 2 places, after trying to start for about 3 seconds:
1. Right beside the AFM, a small pipe which looks like it may have been cut.

2. From the whole turbo/heatsheild area.

Any insight as what could be happening here?
Thanks in advance,
- Kev