July 16th, Speed-Source Meet!!!!

Apr 17, 2005
Lafayette, IN
Got the fan panel today . the stupid ups guys bent the hell out of one of the corners but i hammered it out with my trusty Snap-on soft face hammer and its all good.


New Member
Mar 31, 2005
Argh... that's why I NEVER let a seller ship something to me by UPS if I can avoid it... the extra little bit Fedex charges is worth it to get my package intact.
Apr 17, 2005
Lafayette, IN
Blue87T(Dan) said:
KS meet looks well organized. Why is the Lotus part of the meet?

I won't be able to make the Speed-Source meet. I will be on my way up to northern Michigan for vacation.


one more thing

Quoted from http://www.autofieldguide.com/articles/060402.html :

Toyota and Lotus have a long history. [Roger] Becker [Lotus senior vehicle consultant] helped develop the second-generation Toyota Supra's suspension in the late 1970s, and Lotus reportedly designed a 1,500-hp 1.5-liter turbo- and supercharged V6 Toyota F1 engine that never raced. Toyota also held a 21% stake in Lotus from 1983 to 1986, and Toyota parts were used in Lotus vehicles.

oneandgone said:
Ouch! Sorry to hear it got damaged, Kyle. Are you sure you're ok with it?

its all good now even Carl would not know it was bent to hell..


Needs a new username...
Apr 1, 2005
United States
I'd love to make it Grant, but work..... I'm not sure they'll even let me off for Chicago.... The sad thing is..... the 3 of us that are there to transport the patients.... I could do by myself, so why can't 2 women? crapp... I'm like flippin out... Anyway, I'll send pics of the Supra's replacement when I get'er done.... you gonna like it Grant.... I gar-un-tee.... :icon_wink

I'm fairly sure it'll run circles around the 82... I need to change my sig now.... *sigh*...


40R 6 SPD SC3
I just wanted to bump this up as it's only 1 week away now!

I can't get mapquest to bring up the exact addy, but it's very easy to get to. The address is...

RR138 1900 North
Seymour, IL

If you are coming from...

If coming from I-57 or I-74

Take I-57 South or North depending on where you are coming from to I-74 West. Exit I-74 @ Mahomet, IL Rt 47 South. You will follow Rt 47 through town. It jogs at one point to the right a couple blocks, then back left. There is a stop light at each point that it jogs. Follow RT 47 South about 1 mile South of Mahomet. Turn right ( You will now be heading West) onto 1900 North. There is a green sign on the right side of the road with a white pig on it and in white writing it says "The Pig Sign". Follow 1900 North 3/4 mile. You will be stopping at the second house on your left. You can't miss it, there will be lots of cars and there's a huge machine shed.

If coming from I-72

Take the Mahomet exit and head North. You will go approximately 2 miles and take a left onto 1900 North. There is a green sign on the right side of the road with a white pig on it and in white writing it says "The Pig Sign". Follow 1900 North 3/4 mile. You will be stopping at the second house on your left. You can't miss it, there will be lots of cars and there's a huge machine shed.

If anyone needs better directions, or if you're worried you may get lost pm me and I'll give you my cell ##. I hope to see several of you here!!


40R 6 SPD SC3
Sorry Kyle, that took us quite a way South-West of where we are. I really don't know why it won't come up on mapquest...

IF you mapquest for the intersection of I-47 and 1900 North Mahomet, IL the correct intersection will come up and you can actually see where we're at. It just won't show the address for some reason.


40R 6 SPD SC3
Well, we had a great turnout of around 35 cars and had a good time. Only one other Supra owner came, but I'm not too shocked about that with CHI2K5 only being 2 weeks away. I took a couple pics of the group of cars that showed...


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Needs a new username...
Apr 1, 2005
United States
Never priced a rebuild for a Ford, have ya? lol

I would love to have come Grant.... I'm sure I did good getting off for Chicago... But Grant..... that 84 I was gonna sell ya, find someone who will take it... I just need it gone. Dad's tired of looking at it, and its about 3 days from going to the junk-yard. Just some FYI...

Oh, and one little touch before Chi....

And to Clarify, it is 16 A 7375 Indiana plates :icon_surp