Joinin USAF


May 23, 2006
Well, I've decided after several months of no success in finding a good job here in TN that it's time for my true calling. As of the first of the year I will be getting ready to ship out to basic for United States Air Force. I will be joining as a PFC and working as a Jet engine mechanic. I've got to lose some weight first cause the my rec. says I'm kinda heavy. (fat) So time to crash diet and run my ass off. But I'll stay in the supra ring, I just may be incommunicato for a little while.


SM Expert on White trash
Sep 26, 2006
Weatherford, Texas, United States
Congratulations! I was briefly in the Air Force back in 1987. I got an entry level separation because of asthma. I was in for 30 days exactly. Oh well, better luck to you. It just wasn't meant to be for me.
Better start trying to learn how to fold and iron your underwear in perfect six inch shit! Oh, and take velcro laced running shoes.



Almost civilian status...
Jun 26, 2006
Fredericksburg, VA
Hey, congrats on the decision. BTW, I think you meant A1C (Airman First Class). PM me for my number if you want any info on the Air Force. I've been in over 7 years and I work maintenance like you'll be (I'm a Crew Chief).

BTW, the Air Force is getting really tight on weight management. So, if you are serious about it, stick to a good diet and exercise plan like you mentioned.


naughty by nature
Staff member
Aug 26, 2005
Roll Tide
Good luck Titus. My brother was in the Navy for five years and he learned alot. I'm sure you will do the same. Keep in touch.


Beauty In Disguise
Apr 15, 2006
new mexico
Good luck bro.. I was briefly in a couple years ago, found out i was dislexic and ended up getting out with an honorable discharge. it was alright, pretty fun, good pay and a lot of benefits. Also is your date set for the first or is that when he is projecting you will leave? also my friend who recently went through bootcamp said they roll there clothes now.. i dont understand what he meant it was something new they started i guess, im not sure if theyre still doing it. most likely while at basic you can offer to polish shoes for someone to fold your shirts or vice versa. make sure you run a lot before you go so you will be used to it. anyways i wish you the best of luck.


May 23, 2006
I haven't received an actual date. I have to wait til I get my weight down to spec or below 19% body fat. I think I've got a better chance of getting the % down. I've been on my new diet and work out for a month now and have actually gained 5 lbs. I'm working on a new regiment to get my weight down, but I will admit that my pants are loose now. Gonna need a new belt.

Don't worry Jay, I'll make sure to keep in touch.

AF1jz, Your right on the rank. I'm just use to the army ROTC system I was in. I'm sure I'll have some questions that I'd rather ask you than my rec, just to make sure I get the truth.



Beauty In Disguise
Apr 15, 2006
new mexico
thats good to hear that youre working on your diet, my friend only has to lose 7 lbs but his recruiter said he would leave last month and thats not the case, hes been waiting over 8 months now.. I think he gave up on it because he cant seem to lose'll see some people there and look at them and be like how the hell did you get in like that when i had to work for this..good luck, i hope you leave relatively quickly to get your career started.


Almost civilian status...
Jun 26, 2006
Fredericksburg, VA
xxxotiknightz said:
I haven't received an actual date. I have to wait til I get my weight down to spec or below 19% body fat. I think I've got a better chance of getting the % down. I've been on my new diet and work out for a month now and have actually gained 5 lbs. I'm working on a new regiment to get my weight down, but I will admit that my pants are loose now. Gonna need a new belt.
AF1jz, Your right on the rank. I'm just use to the army ROTC system I was in. I'm sure I'll have some questions that I'd rather ask you than my rec, just to make sure I get the truth.

You have to remember that muscle weighs more than fat. So, if you are losing inches, you are doing something right.

I'll make sure to give you the truth. All recuiters lie. I've been in for a while to know the in's and out's. You'll be ok though. Maintenance is the field to be in. We have a lot of fun.


7Ms are for Cressidas
Apr 1, 2005
Woodstock, GA
AF1JZ said:
Maintenance is the field to be in. We have a lot of fun until you've been E-5 for awhile and you are doing more paperwork than maintenance.

Get used to doing PT, eating well and staying in shape. It used to be that you could get by for years and years, and at most you would be put on the "Dancing Bear" program. Now they actually care about fitness in the USAF. They started caring MUCH more sometime between 2001 and 2003 at my old base. We were doing PT AND "the PT test" well before most other bases. I separated months before they started the "force shaping" to get people out, but I wonder how many "fat boys" they kicked out, who were good maintenance troops who just could not meet standards.
I now work with many prior service members, mostly Marines, and they always respond to PT talk incredulously, like they cannot believe that the USAF does anything but "ride a bike" [we used to do the ergometry cycle]. Train hard and make a good name for the USAF!


Beauty In Disguise
Apr 15, 2006
new mexico
forgot to mention a tip for basic..MEMORY WORK study it! they do random questions and sometimes it determines when you go eat. or if you get it wrong push ups or whatever kind of punishment they decide, its not bad though just a sheet of paper with chain of command etc on it.


Dec 21, 2005
Hawaii for 4years
Make sure you pay attention also, I know that hasn't changed since I went through basic training. I have only been in for 7.5 years, but that is plenty of time to learn a few lessons in the military. Always remember know one will take care of you better than you. Tech school is nothing like being at your first duty station so try and make friends in the dorms as quickly as possible. Put money into the MGIB and if you can start some allotments to save for later.


Almost civilian status...
Jun 26, 2006
Fredericksburg, VA
With the MGIB, you give them $100/month for 12 months and you get over $24,000 towards school in return. It's a pretty damn good deal if you ask me. DOOOO EEEEETTTT!

Yellow 13

Apr 4, 2006
Fairfield, California
AF1JZ said:
With the MGIB, you give them $100/month for 12 months and you get over $24,000 towards school in return. It's a pretty damn good deal if you ask me. DOOOO EEEEETTTT!

Can that $24,000 only be used towards school?

I think I remember hearing someone say you could take a stupid class and just pocket the rest of the cash. I don't think it would be as simple as that though.


Almost civilian status...
Jun 26, 2006
Fredericksburg, VA
Yellow 13 said:
Can that $24,000 only be used towards school?

I think I remember hearing someone say you could take a stupid class and just pocket the rest of the cash. I don't think it would be as simple as that though.

You have to be enrolled "full time" to get the MGIB. What most of my friends do is let the AF pay for it while they are active duty. Then if they get out, they will get a student loan to pay for school and get the MGIB check every month to live off. Then pay back the student loan later.