The bottom line is, John Kerry has about as much business being a US Senator, as Kim IL Jung the leader of the nation of DROK! He has never, and currently does not like the military! His service in Vietnam, was for political purposes only! (all 4 months of it) He lied about what happened when he returned (Senate panel) and gave the enemy the necessary propaganda to continue there maltreatment of our servicemen that were still POW's. He once again gave aid and comfort to the enemy, when he went on record,(last year) saying that our troops in Iraq, were "terrorizing" Iraqi citizens in their homes. These are not "made up" statements, but words right out of the mouth, of the JACKASS!!! that tried, and failed (Thank God!!!) to become our president. How do you think most of the troops currently stationed in Iraq, and Afghanistan feel about him???????
Thank you...
Your service to our country is appreciated, but I will never understand how you could harbor the animosity you have for the current administration and the policies of "taking the fight to the enemy", so they can't bring it here to our shores. It is working, there are just some people whom want to see us fail. I am not saying you are one of them, but it sure sounds like it sometimes.