Job Offer Possible Scam?


ToP DeaD CenTeR
Jan 26, 2006
San Diego, CA
I posted my resume on a job hunting site. I received a response from a potential employer based in the UK.

Potential Employer said:
Hello there,
We got your contact via (website). We are currently offering a position in our company and looking for interested applicants. Please be advised that this position is limited. What we do is written below, read it and respond to it if you are interested.

We Export and Supplies hobby brushes, craft brushes, art brushes, brass wire brushes, cosmetic brushes, artist brushes, paint brushes and other tools brushes to our clients in Canada and the States.
'Payment agent'
The job is strictly to receive and cash our payments sent directly from our clients to your contact address (upon employment). Upon this you transfer in cash to us or to our regional distributors & agents via Western Union transfer.
The job payment for this job is simply 7% of each of our payment cashed and transferred by you, which you deduct yourself before transferring the balance. Payment for Western Union service will be deducted from the company's 93% balance.
Our payments from clients will either be in form of Money Order or Check. It is a legal, international & independent part time job.

Upon your interest in the job. Send an email, to state your interest to handle the job efficiently. Your full name to include your full contact address, phone #(s), email and age should be included in your email.
Your file will be processed for approval and you will be allowed to begin work as our Payment agent immediately.
Late response to this email is assumed by the board as no interest in the job.
For further enquires do not hesitate to contact me via email or phone (phone calls during business hours only).

Samuel Edwards
DUAL Enterprises Int. (DEI). Union St, London, SE1 1TD.
Lines: +44 7031909882, +44 7031 78526 +44 7031 978542, +44 7031 978543, +44 7031 978544.
Office hours: M - F (8am - 4pm).

I responded saying I was interested (also included my birthdate) and this is the response.

Potential Employer said:
Goodday Ben,
Please be advised that your information has been sent to our clients and they will begin making payment to you from next week. Please be advised that it is important you reply to our emails within 24 hours. Send us an email back so we will know you acknowledged this.

I wrote back inquiring why they could not receive payments directly and what is the exact procedure to send payments. Here is the last response I have received.

Potential Employer said:
Goodday Ben,
What our company actually do is stated in our first email to you. The reason we need a payment agent is because our aganets is located in the US and they issue us american checks which takes 21 days to clear up here in the UK. Our company is a small enterprises and we rely on the payment our clients make to keep us going i.e we need the payment earlier than 21 days so we can proceed with our own job too. The proceedure of sending the money is after you deduct your 7%, you send the balance to us via western union or money gram after the check clears.
Further questions should be forwarded to me.

Is this a scam or a legitamate job offer?

EDIT: Content edited for readability
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hondas suck
Apr 19, 2005
I would get a real job, for your own good I would let them know to remove you from their contact list. Taking print outs of the e mails to your local police station is also a good idea.


Needs a new username...
Apr 1, 2005
United States
Stretch said:
It's either a scam, or a really easy job where people mail you money while you sit at home watching futurama.

Hell yes, send 'em my way! Ugh, if they can't spell agents and they are a small enterprises it's probably a scam. Thats just me talking, and the d00d that tried to scam me with my suburban couldn't type for shit either. :biglaugh:

anytime you get to keep a small amount of money while sending a large amount elsewhere sounds like a damn scam too me. I just read the first thread all the way through.


ToP DeaD CenTeR
Jan 26, 2006
San Diego, CA
I figured it was too easy. Plus I was advised that any way to earn cash involving with Western Union is a scam. I wasn't planning to use this as a source of primary income even if it was legitimate. Thanks for the replys.

On another note. Now that I have their attention, I'm wondering if I should have fun with this before I seek some sort of legal action? :naughty:

EDIT: I too noticed that spelling and grammer was off, that's one of the 1st things that tipped me off.


boosted kraut
Mar 31, 2005
It's a known scam, money laundering (as jimi already noticed). Those people probably got access to other people's bank accounts through "phishing" mails (all those mails telling you to enter your account data on site xxxx)...
They can't transfer the money directly to their own accounts since this would be too easy to track down by the victims or by the police, so they transfer it to you and let you transfer it to them via Western Union (which can't be traced back). Not sure about the US, but at least over here you as the "stooge" can still be prosecuted for it: ignorance is no excuse.


I think it was the google
Mar 30, 2005
The Farm
Stretch said:
It's either a scam, or a really easy job where people mail you money while you sit at home watching futurama.

futurama, sit, money... ehh...sign me up.
yep its a scam.


Breaking In - in progress
Mar 30, 2005
Northern California
Yeah... scam....wouldnt want the FBI coming to your place oneday saying you were involved in money laudering business.



86.5 1JZ Single Turbo
Apr 21, 2005
Arlington, TX
give the FBI a call, i had two guys tryin to scam me when i was selling my firehawk, ended up helpin the bureau arrest the bastards, they love to get scammers


New Member
Oct 11, 2005
Sounds like they want you to either be the middle man in a money laundering scheme or the middle man in some kind of nigerian scam.