Nothing wrong with Deja Vu, but my apologies for breaking the golden rule and not searching first.
So I went back to that thread and read it from first to last posting. I am in agreement with the general feeling here. However it seems like even in the Deja Vu thread most if not all of the opionions were based on the MFG's Website.
This was OldSupraman's last entry:
I am happy to have provided an amusing topic. And I assure you that the question was merely born of curiosity; I have never even seen these things, much less have a financial stake in them. But I can't let this thread die without pointing out a couple of things:
1. Contrary to some of your intuitive leaps of logic, perhaps born of a high-school/freshman physics course, a tire in use is not equivalent to a spinning torus, and
2. A perfect tire on a perfect wheel may still go out of balance as the tire wears.
Until I see a demonstration video of this product in a transparent "tire" illuminated by a strobe, I intend myself to reserve judgment.
Take the time if you could, or choose to, and look at the other "Data".
The majority of the end users were riders not drivers, but this majority also used the product in their car tires.
They were end users like ourselves here at Supramania. Forum members ranging from Harleys to Triumphs in the cycle world to BMW's and Yota's in the automotive.
Was it just sheer luck that more than one poster is on his 3rd set of tires with this installed, and is getting more even tread wear and treadlife?
All I am asking for is a closer look at something that I myself can not consider viable yet.
Thanks ^^