On my way home tonight I ran into a MK3 Golf VR6 on the freeway, he had already passed me to get in front of me on the on ramp I decide to play with him. I pull up next to him and give the driver a nod he downshifts and gave me a smirk (he must know something i didnt), and we wait for for the two cars in front of us to exit. At 65mph I was about to honk it off but he decided to go and I promptly went WOT hitting fuel cut 3-4 times until it finally maintained 12lbs i look to my left and he still there and at this point im thinking "got damn" 80mph comes then 100 and hes still there finally by 115 i start to walk away i let off at 125. I was at this point a car or so ahead. He got off at the next exit and i ran into traffic which pretty much ruined my chances of talking to the guy. I wanna know what was done to that thing.
I had a VW friend tell me that apparently those VR6 are quite fast with bolt ons and a chip. Anyone have any experience with these?
My mods
No Cat
20G @ 12psi
Lower IC hardpipe
His car had from what i can tell and hear a Intake and an Exhaust. I want to assume and hope it had more done to it cause that thing was quick. Considering others cars ive beaten before.
I had a VW friend tell me that apparently those VR6 are quite fast with bolt ons and a chip. Anyone have any experience with these?
My mods
No Cat
20G @ 12psi
Lower IC hardpipe
His car had from what i can tell and hear a Intake and an Exhaust. I want to assume and hope it had more done to it cause that thing was quick. Considering others cars ive beaten before.