Well in November after I got done replacing my clutch, someone backed into me and cracked one of my turn signals. So included in my estimate was the price for a new set of these turn signals.
I only know of one website that sells them however the body shop, nor myself could ever get a hold of the company. The body shop called and emailed a number of times and I called a few times in the middle of November as well, to no avail.
So yesterday the body shop calls me asking if I just want a check for the turn signals as they can't find them. They also offered to snag a set of factory turn signals... I kindly declined lol.
So after all of that, my question is does anyone else know a different website or vendor that sells these 89+ Euro Turn Signals? I didn't mention the store or website because I'm not clear on the rules about mentioning companies in a bad manor on the forum.
Cliffs: Can't get in touch with the company/website that sells the turn signals, anyone else have ideas on where to get them?
I only know of one website that sells them however the body shop, nor myself could ever get a hold of the company. The body shop called and emailed a number of times and I called a few times in the middle of November as well, to no avail.
So yesterday the body shop calls me asking if I just want a check for the turn signals as they can't find them. They also offered to snag a set of factory turn signals... I kindly declined lol.
So after all of that, my question is does anyone else know a different website or vendor that sells these 89+ Euro Turn Signals? I didn't mention the store or website because I'm not clear on the rules about mentioning companies in a bad manor on the forum.
Cliffs: Can't get in touch with the company/website that sells the turn signals, anyone else have ideas on where to get them?