Ok, just asking if I should hang onto this motor or give it a pass and move onto another. It's compression is 150-150-155-160-155-160.
These pics show the condition of the cams and the oily hard sludge I am concerned about, or is this nothing to worry about and I should just give it a good once over and run it.
I also checked the oil that was in the motor and while it was old and dirty it was free of any type of metallic particulate that I could detect. Unlike the 2jz motor it is replacing (pics later tonight of that carnage.
These pics show the condition of the cams and the oily hard sludge I am concerned about, or is this nothing to worry about and I should just give it a good once over and run it.
I also checked the oil that was in the motor and while it was old and dirty it was free of any type of metallic particulate that I could detect. Unlike the 2jz motor it is replacing (pics later tonight of that carnage.