Jailbreaking an Ipod Touch?


Join the 92 Owners Group
Jul 11, 2005
Satsuma, Alabama, United States
OK, so I'm in my 40's, and my VCR still flashes 12:00.....LOL.

My son wants to jailbreak his Ipod Touch. Is this a good idea? Is it legal? Will he download anything that will disable it?......to a point he could not return it to factory specs?

Next question. I also have an Ipod touch, which has decided to no longer power up. I have found places to replace the battery for $20. Is there a way for me to verify that it is the battery for sure before paying someone $20 to tell me it is totally dead, and I tell them to throw it away? They may then replace the battery and have a new eBay marketable item. Who is trustable for this?


Active Member
Oct 18, 2009
Miramar, FL
when you jailbreak your ipod you can not upgrade it otherwise it will remove the hack thus you must rehack when the new software comes out i havent updated mines since i got it a year ago lol, downside i cant download many of the new apps :/. Many places if they notice you hacked it will not accept it if you try to return it, they will blame the problem with you jailbreaking it, also im not sure if it is legal but i have my ipod jailbroken. Also does the ipod turn on once its connected to the pc, or atleast is recognized by the computer? Not sure about the battery.


Join the 92 Owners Group
Jul 11, 2005
Satsuma, Alabama, United States
The dead one does nothing at all when connected to a PC. I believe it is a version 1, it has no speaker.

The one being jailbroken is a year and a half old, and past it's 1 year warranty. This one is a version 2 with speaker.


Supramania Contributor
Jan 13, 2008
Northeast Philly
I can fix you iPod ;-)

my 3gs iPhone is jail broke...it will not hurt the device!! If something goes wrong you just do a restore on iTunes...do not take your device to apple if it's jail broke (you must restore it back to original before you do!)...yes it voids warranty but it opens up soooooo soooooo many possibilities as to what the device can do! So very worth it!

Been using that tsrm you sold me like mad!! Thanks again for it!!

---------- Post added at 01:50 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:45 AM ----------

If you like I can explain how jail breaking works...it takes all of 10 seconds and the iPod turns into a super device with damn near no limits!


New Member
Aug 24, 2005
centennial, Co
I have jail broken my sisters itouch and my iphone. Its harmless, if you have issues just restore. But do not upgrade to 3.1.3. Stay at 3.1.2 firmware especially for iphone. I suggest using blackrain. Its super easy, one click and its jailbroken. install cydia and your options are endless after that.


WVU MAEngineering
Jun 12, 2007
Perkasie, PA
3.1.3 has a crack now as well. Its not by devteam or blackra1n though i forget who makes it. My GF is using it currently bc she accidentally upgraded. I never updated from 3.1.2 yet so i still have my blackra1n crack. there is no point to go to 3.1.3


Aug 30, 2009
Winter Park, Florida, United States
Here's a summary.

3.1.3 = 3.1.2 + More jailbreak fixes
3.1.2 = Latest reasonable firmware to update to.

A few notes:
1) If you're using 3.1.2 and some idiot developer in the App store put 'min version' as 3.1.3 and you cannot download, YOU CAN. Just edit "/System/Library/CoreServices/SystemVersion.plist" and change it to 3.1.3, restart your phone, and poof. You win. There's NO DIFFERENCE between 3.1.2 and 3.1.3 that is the only reason this won't hurt anything.

2) Some users with a different type of pcb (such as myself) seem to have a later revision, this new type of pcb conflicts with the firmware hack and causes you to not be able to reboot your phone! You must re-jailbreak your phone each time you want it to reboot. The pros/cons of jailbreaking vs being able to turn my phone back on if it dies were difficult to weigh, but I ultimately decided in favor of the jailbreaking.

3) A new OS may be coming out in a month or so, and I'm sure it will be a good while before there's a jailbreak for that.

Ultimately, you really can't go wrong, because you can always plug your phone back into the pc and restore the originally Apple software with ease. So don't fret.

Make the right choice,


Join the 92 Owners Group
Jul 11, 2005
Satsuma, Alabama, United States
Thanks for the help guys!

I went ahead and told him he was OK to do it.........and he said, see I was right, Dad! He did it last night, and added a few things afterward. He used Blackrain and cydia. He was happy with it for the moment. He did check for upgrades before doing it, because I had read Xzeror say you couldn't upgrade after jailbreaking. I need to be sure he's not on 3.13 this afternoon I guess.

As for mine, I'm not sure what the hell happened. It hasn't worked in a year. I got a PM telling me to hold the home and power buttons down together, but i never did that. I plugged it into the PC before doing it, and it fired up, and took a full charge. As of now, it is working just fine, but we'll see what happens when it needs a charge again.

My I-tunes was on a computer at my old job. If I hook it to a computer at home, I have to cancel the sync , so I don't lose the music on it. Is there a way to transfer music off of it that was not bought through Itunes? I'll be playing with that until I hear an answer.


Aug 30, 2009
Winter Park, Florida, United States
ForcedTorque;1569457 said:
Thanks for the help guys!

I went ahead and told him he was OK to do it.........and he said, see I was right, Dad! He did it last night, and added a few things afterward. He used Blackrain and cydia. He was happy with it for the moment. He did check for upgrades before doing it, because I had read Xzeror say you couldn't upgrade after jailbreaking. I need to be sure he's not on 3.13 this afternoon I guess.

As for mine, I'm not sure what the hell happened. It hasn't worked in a year. I got a PM telling me to hold the home and power buttons down together, but i never did that. I plugged it into the PC before doing it, and it fired up, and took a full charge. As of now, it is working just fine, but we'll see what happens when it needs a charge again.

My I-tunes was on a computer at my old job. If I hook it to a computer at home, I have to cancel the sync , so I don't lose the music on it. Is there a way to transfer music off of it that was not bought through Itunes? I'll be playing with that until I hear an answer.

IMO tell him to use ROCK It's much much faster than Cydia.

Yours may have been frozen and needed to be reset, and wouldn't turn on because it was frozen. What more than likely happened, is after a week or so the battery drained completely, then now you plugged it in and since it was dead.. it restarted..


Join the 92 Owners Group
Jul 11, 2005
Satsuma, Alabama, United States
I have tried to charge it 4-5 times over the last year, and not gotten anything though, so it was shocking. I got it charged fully, looked through my music library a couple of times, looked through pictures, and turned it off. I never even played any music. Today, I checked it again, and the battery is already over half drained. I still believe I need a battery. Is changing one difficult, or do I need to send it off? Youtube here I come.