Zeitronix Zt-2 Wideband is equipped with a complex proprietary circuitry to condition the RPM signal. This is the only wideband on the market which is able to read RPM signal from multiple sources, the tach signal, the ignition coil or the ECU igniter drive without inductive clamps, RPM adapters, additional gizmos. Zeitronix Zt-2 Wideband adds a very small amount of averaging (filtering) of the RPM data to smooth out the RPM graph a little. The Zt-2 very high output sample rate contributes to the RPM signal variations you are seeing. Other units with only a handful of output samples per second are not going to show RPM variations per single crank revolution just a general trend. Wouldn't you rather see more data or less when tuning your expensive engine?
We may add some more averaging to make graphs very nice and smooth looking for MtFujiSupra, however most tuners are looking for a real data. We will consider user selectable averaging routine for a next software release.
As always, make sure your instrumentation is grounded to a clean ground point to gather the best data possible.
Tune safely!
Zeitronix Eng.