What SupraAng said might be your problem, yur WAY too rich... You might be dumping so much fuel that it's not buring properl;y and giving you a misfire, aka, the opposite of detonation... So much fuel you put the fire out... Are you running a stand alone? Or factory ecu? Pull some fuel and try again... You should be, well, this varies from member to memeber, but I would say, you should be about 11.5-12.5:1, you should get richer as the boost increases... So, lower rpm should be 12.5:1 and move into the 11's at you run up the rpm's...
Good luck...
BTW: how is compression? Hmmm? Is your tranny slipping?
What SupraAng said might be your problem, yur WAY too rich... You might be dumping so much fuel that it's not buring properl;y and giving you a misfire, aka, the opposite of detonation... So much fuel you put the fire out... Are you running a stand alone? Or factory ecu? Pull some fuel and try again... You should be, well, this varies from member to memeber, but I would say, you should be about 11.5-12.5:1, you should get richer as the boost increases... So, lower rpm should be 12.5:1 and move into the 11's at you run up the rpm's...
Good luck...
BTW: how is compression? Hmmm? Is your tranny slipping?