it finally happened BHG


Formerly Got Boost?
Apr 3, 2005
Houston, Tx
Figit090;1136236 said:

That sounds, much, much worse. :p You could see the water on the dipstick? You did drain your oil (and coolant, lol) after that and refrain from ever starting it again, right???


Just the dipstick. Haven't gotten around to draining the fluids. Haven't even touched the car in a month. I'll try that fluid test next time I'm working on the car.


Jan 18, 2008
Vacaville, CA
Go to your nearest autoparts store, buy a BLOCK TEST KIT. it comes with blue fluid and while doing this test if the fluid turbs yellow you have either a Cracked Block, Cracked Head, or a BHG :)

Im pretty sure someone here has mentioned this before.... sorry i didnt feel like reading ;)


New Member
Jul 26, 2008
Milford, CT
Suprapowaz!(2);1135573 said:
I know, and all cars I've ever owned that that too. When I would change out my thermostat I'd run the car uncapped to try to get all of the air out of the system. When the car started warming up coolant would rise and begin to overflow. When you rev it it would shoot up. The faster you rev it the higher it would go. That doesn't mean you have a BHG.

Exactly. I have never seen a car that can be run with its radiator cap off unless its cold. Even then.. it only takes 5+ minutes to heat up enough to start bubbling over the top of the radiator.


Fastest mk3 GT4 1/4 mile!
Jan 7, 2006
Humboldt County
EOS;1136329 said:
Figit, I'm not saying that he has a BHG, nor am I trying to blow anything out of proportion....

Yeah I know, I was just saying that's probably why nobody else had mentioned it yet, I think you came in at just the right time. :icon_razz


Formerly 3rdtimearound
Apr 12, 2005
Katy Texas
If you have access to an air compressor, you can take the spark plugs out and air up each cylinder up 1 at a time, while looking for bubbles in the neck of your radiator. I have used this method to find a bhg more than once.

I have also ruled out a bhg the same way.

With similar symptoms you described, I found my problem in a radiator in need of replacement. New radiator fixed my problem.

Just my .02.



New Member
Hey guys I just wanted to clarify a few things, I have a reasonable understanding of how a motor works and now I have a better understanding of how the cooling system works on a 7m, I think I’ve read nearly every post on this forum on the dreaded BHG and the cooling system :).
In the past I’ve released the pressure on the radiator cap and taken it off with the motor running and checked for air bubbles in my coolant. The coolant would rise and spill over the edge of the radiator, if I brought the revs up on the motor the fluid level would drop and I could watch the coolant flow. What was different this time is at idle the coolant looked like it was pulsing, if I brought the revs up rather than getting sucked down it would shoot up out of the radiator. So here’s what I did yesterday after reading lot of threads on this stuff. I went out a checked the cooling system, all the hoses looked good radiator looked good no visible signs of coolant anywhere. Check the overflow and it’s empty! (I hate missing the simple things). I’m thinking I’m onto something here, I don’t remember checking the overflow bottle after the new turbo and injectors were put on. So I fill it to where it should be turn the heater on full blast take the cap off the radiator and start the, let it idle till the thermostat opens. It starts doing the same thing I watched it for a bit (maybe 30 seconds or so) and it starts to settle down. I topped the radiator up a little and watch it again it does the same again but not as badly another quick top up and it does it again but for not as long, it settles a goes back to normal. While I didn’t see any air come out I’m sure that’s what it was. At this point I’m just going to cap it and drive it, I’ll keep a close eye on the water and oil as well as do a block test in the next couple of weeks.
Thanks for all the help and advice.


Fastest mk3 GT4 1/4 mile!
Jan 7, 2006
Humboldt County
haha... no worries man. I once plugged in my spark plug wires wrong after fixing my BHG... chugged at idle like a v8 and i was half convinced i'd broken something. took me about 15 minutes to figure out what I had done. :biglaugh: