I'm attempting to run HKSs EVC, VPC, and GCC. I have two sets of issues... First, lets start with the biggest of them. My EVC does not control boost. When I first got it, it was set to poppet (external) style wastegates. I didn't know this, and so it just did not control boost. Period. Which makes sense when you think of how external gates work. So I pulled the EVC apart, switched the dipswitches around, and was stupid excited to see if it would work. So, I hooked it all back up, and did a simple little test. If you power down the EVC, according to the manual, it should give you stock boost. Which tells me, the valve should be open. However, it is not. It's sealed tighter than a nuns cunt.
I figured, okay, the valve is stuck. Pulling out the four socket head cap screws in the top of the valve, I verified it wasn't stuck. However, the valve just constantly ejected itself (It's a pintle style valve), every few seconds. Why it's doing this? I have no idea. Any help would be appreciated!
Now, with the VPC and GCC, cold starts.. SUCK. It reminds me of an old carbbed car. It will fire up, then die. Then fire up and stay running, but you cant touch the gas otherwise it will die. It needs to warm up for about a minute before you can even go anywhere. Then, there's a hesitation whenever you crack the throttle open from idle.
That hesitation is still there, even when its warm, its just greatly reduced. If you go wide open from idle it will have a little bump and then free rev. Same little hesitation between shifts at WOT.
I called HKSUSA and they basically said the EVC stepper motor is junk (which it isn't.. It works..) and I don't have enough fueling, which makes no sense. So they were of zero help. Hopefully you guys will be more help than they are!
I figured, okay, the valve is stuck. Pulling out the four socket head cap screws in the top of the valve, I verified it wasn't stuck. However, the valve just constantly ejected itself (It's a pintle style valve), every few seconds. Why it's doing this? I have no idea. Any help would be appreciated!
Now, with the VPC and GCC, cold starts.. SUCK. It reminds me of an old carbbed car. It will fire up, then die. Then fire up and stay running, but you cant touch the gas otherwise it will die. It needs to warm up for about a minute before you can even go anywhere. Then, there's a hesitation whenever you crack the throttle open from idle.
That hesitation is still there, even when its warm, its just greatly reduced. If you go wide open from idle it will have a little bump and then free rev. Same little hesitation between shifts at WOT.
I called HKSUSA and they basically said the EVC stepper motor is junk (which it isn't.. It works..) and I don't have enough fueling, which makes no sense. So they were of zero help. Hopefully you guys will be more help than they are!