Supracentral;924123 said:
But she "sparkles"!
I just can't imagine how you could do that to anyone, let alone your own child...
Mike, this is the kind of behavior that I absolutely loathe. This is an extreme case of the "millennials" story that was posted on the forum a month or so ago. These kids are a product of the baby-boomers who feel guilty for all of the time they had to spend working, away from home, and they compensate for real parenting and real love with false, sappy affection and material possessions.
These are the same people who believe that spanking is child abuse, but think what they are doing [ruining a child's potential for intelligence and a real personality] is absolutely normal, even wonderful. What is worse is if/when she is allowed out into the "real world" [because let's face it: she's not going very far in the pageant circuit] she will have a mental breakdown due to culture shock, and she's too socially inept for anything really except for what goal she is heading towards right now, inevitably to failure and disappointment.
I can't wait for the moment she realizes what Tyler Durden said in "Fight Club":
"You're not your job. You're not how much money you have in the bank. You're not the car you drive. You're not the contents of your wallet. You're not your fucking khakis. You're the all-singing, all-dancing crap of the world."
There is one person on TV like this - but how many do you think are out there, total? It is frightening. These are the type of people who will multiply heavily, as well, and spread their own messed up brood upon our already fucked up society.
You've heard it said before - "This is the beginning of the end". She's the middle. The end is near.