Is this a good first car?

Turbo Habanero

New Member
Apr 28, 2009
TheBlueSupra;1809418 said:
I think if go for an NA and have a willing attitude to learn that a supra can be a good first car. The NA may not be turbo quick, but it's still faster than most other cars on the road, and plenty fast enough to get you in trouble. Plus if you treat it right, it's a comfortable easy riding and rather safe car, seeing as it's built like a tank.

And when you learn the car down the road you can go NA-T or put a Crate Turbo motor in it.
If you want a Supra as your first car you are going to have to make sacrifices. I got my Supra for my second car, (First car is a 1995 Acura Integra) and I'm still spending money on my Supra. You have to be really committed to your Supra. I been saving almost 75% of my paycheck just for my Supra if anything happends. Plus when buying you are going to want to have patiences. I looked well over a year on craigslist to find a good non beaten Supra. Just because the outside looks nice doesn't mean the car runs good. Also, if you don't know your way around cars or know someone who knows a lot about cars, you are going to be spending a lot of money at shops. Parts aren't cheap. If you really committed to getting a Supra, you better be ready to make sacrifices. If not, get it later on when you know how to mess with cars. I got my Supra when I was 16 and I've been babying it since. I've been driving since I was 14 and a half and am 17 now. If you just want the Supra as a DD, don't go cheap, if so don't buy one at all. Good luck with your decision.


Classifieds Moderator
Staff member
Mar 26, 2006
Supracentral;1809367 said:
Ditto. I started with way too much power and I've paid some heavy prices because of it.
See, I went the other way (due to a lack of funds, interest, commitment, whatever you will), and drove a Cavalier for 5 years before I got a Supra at 22 years old. The Cavalier taught me basic driving fundamentals, but very little in the way of driving dynamics. I learned more from driving a Miata for 6-8 months than I did driving a Cavalier for 5 years...

MPR;1809410 said:
I spent $1500 to get mine road-worthy, including the cost to buy the car ($800) and repaired the BHG. It's almost rust-free and has been mint ever since, as a DD. Guess I got lucky. Mine is NA as well so that helps a
You got lucky, sounds like my first Supra. Spent $1000 on the car, $350 or so on the cooling system, $400-500 for gaskets and things, $800-1000 having the timing belt replaced (was in no way prepared with knowledge or tools to do that back then, took it to the local Yota shop..), and another $500-600 on suspension and brakes. Other than that, the only mods/maintenance I did was an $800 set of tires that would deal with the climate. Add all that up (plus or minus a few hundred, it's been years), and you're looking at a $4000-5000 investment I had in that car.

That said, it was a damned good car, but I'd still recommend a Miata as a first car, get a Supra later when your budget allows. The Miata will get you to work so you can AFFORD the Supra. ;)


Active Member
Mar 30, 2005
te72;1809827 said:
The Cavalier taught me basic driving fundamentals, but very little in the way of driving dynamics.

Well I was assuming a proper car, you know one with an engine in the front and the drive wheels at the back. ;)

Miata may be the best starter car out there.


101MM stroke of INSANITY!
Mar 30, 2005
IJ.;1808107 said:
1st car should be something cheap and reliable so you can gain experience driving, NOT a money pit that you might get to drive in a year or two after spending every cent you can find to repair and get it running properly.
Well said.... My Supra is not my first..... I've driven it maybe four times in almost ten years!! My situation is an extreme one by choice. But the frustration of having a broken down dream car is a nightmare. Don't get discouraged, we all understand the unexplainable urge to own one of these cars. But listen to us and you wont make our same mistakes.
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Fastest mk3 GT4 1/4 mile!
Jan 7, 2006
Humboldt County
after reading this thread I'm actually considering a miata as my second car after a supra...

not sure I want to do that, but considering it.


Jul 15, 2009
San Jose
I bought my 91t 5spd in Nov 2010 for $1200 with 171k and a check engine light. Didn't drive it till march 2011 because I thought it had a BHG (white crap under oil cap turned out to be just condensation). When I re torqued the head I found out the 02 sensor was unplugged which was causing the CEL.
Been daily driving it a lot ever since with no problems besides needing new battery terminals and burning/leaking a little oil.


Well-Known Member
Dec 30, 2005
Bought my 88 NA in 1996, paid $5100 for it, as I recall.
I remember that the black 89 I really wanted was goin for $9,000 at the time(!). Back then MkIII's cost alot more.
Drove the car for 9 months before I suffered my first BHG. Didn't belong to any forums back then, and redid the HG, using
factory torque setting. Blew my second HG about a year later. Did a complete rebuild, but the coolant passages were deteriorated
from BHG, and the 'new' motor blew it's HG after 3 months. This is about the time I bought a 'beater'- an 88 VW Golf, for $125, running good.

Great car, that Golf. put about $1200 into wheels, tires, shocks cooling and stereo upgrades, and sold it 6 years later for $1100.

Anyway. All together, I've been through two full NA motors, and two full turbo motors, and about to start on my third turbo motor build for this car.
As everyone is stating, these are not good first cars. I agree that a miata would make a good first car, but I also suggest a Nissan 240sx, based on the same criteria.
If you can find a 240 that hasn't been riced out, it'd be a miracle, but it'd also be a good car to learn on.


Kill it with fire!
Sep 23, 2009
Tampa, FL
Miata...... reliable and fun... not so much a pussy mobile though.

^I am with the guy above. I love my Golf TDI - 45+ mpgs and besides understeer, its a lot of fun.
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Classifieds Moderator
Staff member
Mar 26, 2006
Figit090;1809883 said:
after reading this thread I'm actually considering a miata as my second car after a supra...

not sure I want to do that, but considering it.
They make good companion cars for just running around when you don't wanna waste the gas in the Supra. Take one for a test drive, you won't regret it.

supraguy@aol;1810003 said:
I agree that a miata would make a good first car, but I also suggest a Nissan 240sx, based on the same criteria.
If you can find a 240 that hasn't been riced out, it'd be a miracle, but it'd also be a good car to learn on.
240 isn't a terrible car, but in stock form, they are prone to sudden bouts of oversteer. Might not be the best learners car, but if you keep your calm, you'll figure it out.

Unfortunately, finding one that isn't already been through hell and back is going to be tough. Not to mention the drift tax...

RedPhoenix;1810140 said:
Miata...... reliable and fun... not so much a pussy mobile though.

^I am with the guy above. I love my Golf TDI - 45+ mpgs and besides understeer, its a lot of fun.
Eh, not too hard to pull girls with a car like a Miata. They're fun, can be easily made into a wolf in sheep's clothing too... Not to mention, they're disarming, how dangerous could a guy who drives a MIATA be? ;)

Golf isn't a terrible idea either, get good mileage so you can save for a toy car of some sort.


Well-Known Member
Dec 30, 2005
Miata's main problem is that it has very little room, for an everyday car.
That's why i'd suggest a 240 in its place. Lots of room, not over-powered,
and the right drivetrain setup.


Supramania Contributor
Sep 17, 2006
Woodbury, MN
LunaVyohr;1808229 said:
In fact, I'll be a soothsayer. Here's the path almost everyone who buys a MK3 as their first vehicle takes:

1. Young person buys Supra, most likely turbo. Also most likely that the head gasket was never properly repaired/replaced.

2. Young person drives the hell out of it for a couple months at most, and develops BHG.

3. Young person has a choice to make. Either they come online, complain what a piece of shite MK3s are, and sells it for scrap money. OR

3.5. Young person looks up how to change head gasket, spends tons of money on repairs, and improperly services the HG.

4. Young person develops rod-knock.

5. Sells for scrap money.


This is so completely true it hurts. People going through that process is the reason that there are so few nice Supras around, and they're being gobbled up and destroyed every day.


I play with fire
Jul 22, 2006
Fort Worth, TX
MNBmk3T;1810347 said:
^^Anything with 2 doors is considered a sports car to the insurance companies really.

Maybe up there, but in the states, it's based off seating. It's why a supra is called a "2 door sedan" on my insurance.

This also applies to say an old CRX, which I think is funny...


Classifieds Moderator
Staff member
Mar 26, 2006
supraguy@aol;1810285 said:
Miata's main problem is that it has very little room, for an everyday car.
You'd be surprised... I managed to fit $300+ worth of groceries in mine once. This was back when that bought a lot of groceries too... Don't get me wrong, they're not something to move furniture in, but for 99% of people, I'd venture to say they'd work just fine.

Poodles;1810316 said:
Issue with the miata is insurance. 2 seater = sports car as far as the insurance companies are concerned...
Really? I guess I never looked when I was in high school, but by the time I got one, I think the insurance was only maybe $80 per month. Granted, I was 23 when I bought the first one, would likely be much higher at 16-20...


New Member
Mar 10, 2009
Queens, NY

How many times do I have to tell you, your tampons don't count as grocery items. :D

On a serious note, anything that I call up for here in NY and it is a two seater is considered to be high risk. For some odd reason, insuring a Chevy S10 for our shop cost the same as the Supra. It is a "two seater" with the little middle seat but jeez, its not a sports car.


I play with fire
Jul 22, 2006
Fort Worth, TX
You guys are gonna make me take a video of getting in the trunk of my mom's Miata aren't you? 99% of the time you use cars just to move yourself around, and maybe one other person.

But that does bring up another good point. Cheap, reliable, front engine, RWD.... TRUCK.