I have the TSRM for the car, but it only talks about watching the CEL.
I didn't realize how easy it was to pull the cluster to change the bulb, it takes 5 minutes, so I went ahead and put a new bulb in the CEL. Problem is it still doesn't light up. Now I'm not sure if I have an ECU problem or what.
The car wouldn't start for the guy this morning so he had it towed to me.
So far I checked the B+ voltage in the check connector and the fuel pump voltage is good (which leads me to think the ECU is working, since it controls the fuel pump speed via the fuel pump controller). It would sputter a bit while cranking, but wouldn't start up and run.
The weird thing is when you turn the key to the on position the engine fires once and spins a little bit before you even engage the starter. I think the coil is firing when the key turns on and is firing whatever flooded cylinder happens to be on the compression/power stroke. Sometimes it even spins it backwards (which would happen if it fired on the compression stroke).
I tested it with a spark tester and it had no spark, but when I hooked my stuff up to test the coil the damn car started running. Then it stalled after 10 seconds. Now it fires up and then stalls shortly after.
I still have a few tests to try, but it would be a big help if I knew why the CEL didn't work.