Is my new girl a slut?

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Lifetaker, heartbreaker.
Mar 30, 2005
South Jersey
I just met this new girl. She really likes me i guess because she was the one that asked for my number.

anyway, first time we went out, we just went to applebees to eat and then that's it.

2 days later i called her and we hang out from 12pm to 12 am.

fucked her in the process too.


40R 6 SPD SC3
All girls are sluts! Duh! NTM they're all nuts!!!

Really though, any girl you screw within a few days of knowing each other probably isn't the one to take home to mom.

Any girl who cheats on her boyfriend with you will cheat on you with someone else.

...If I knew then what I know now...Blah, blah, blah...


New Member
Apr 6, 2005
my ex g/f wanted to sleep with me within the first two days we met....i said no...but that only lasted for two

yea about 2 months later she cheated on me

once a whore....always a whore.....or at least till shes at an age where she wants to settle down forever


Achieving Balance...
Mar 30, 2005
oneandgone said:
Really though, any girl you screw within a few days of knowing each other probably isn't the one to take home to mom.

Any girl who cheats on her boyfriend with you will cheat on you with someone else.

...If I knew then what I know now...Blah, blah, blah...



7Ms are for Cressidas
Apr 1, 2005
Woodstock, GA
Kroze, man, I'd say yes. I don't wanna call your girl names, but if it quacks like a duck, and waddles like it just got f*cked after the 2nd date, it's probably a slut.

If she's hot and you have fun with her, you may wanna keep her around for fun - make sure you USE PROTECTION. You are a military man which makes you a target for a chick looking for a paycheck, and you don't want to get her pregnant on accident [also known as "she conveniently forgot to take her pill" so she can trap someone with a steady income]. Wrap up before you do the deed, and DON'T TRUST HER FOR CONTRACEPTION; don't trust that she's taken her pill, used her foam, whatever other forms of birth control, and don't use a condom that she provides [could be sabotaged] - you are a man, so buy your own. Don't keep them in your wallet - if you do, replace it at the faintest sign of wear on the package, or every other day that it's been in your wallet. Don't store them in your car, no matter how cool you keep it. Treat them like they are more important than your flak vest and rifle, combined.

Just looking out for you, man. These are crazy times.


40R 6 SPD SC3
Medic, everything you just said was perfect...except for one thing...He hit it on the first date, not the second! The day they met he must not have had time as he only gave her his number, not his pp.

Kroze, don't worry...most of us would hit it in a day or two given the chance.

Oh, btw... :ttiwwp:


drunk_medic said:
Kroze, man, I'd say yes. I don't wanna call your girl names, but if it quacks like a duck, and waddles like it just got f*cked after the 2nd date, it's probably a slut.

If she's hot and you have fun with her, you may wanna keep her around for fun - make sure you USE PROTECTION. You are a military man which makes you a target for a chick looking for a paycheck, and you don't want to get her pregnant on accident [also known as "she conveniently forgot to take her pill" so she can trap someone with a steady income]. Wrap up before you do the deed, and DON'T TRUST HER FOR CONTRACEPTION; don't trust that she's taken her pill, used her foam, whatever other forms of birth control, and don't use a condom that she provides [could be sabotaged] - you are a man, so buy your own. Don't keep them in your wallet - if you do, replace it at the faintest sign of wear on the package, or every other day that it's been in your wallet. Don't store them in your car, no matter how cool you keep it. Treat them like they are more important than your flak vest and rifle, combined.

Just looking out for you, man. These are crazy times.

hell yeah, i second that, i go out in uniform and girls that i would never think talk to me, do :eek3: and when i go out in civi's no girls talk to me :tdo3:

just watch out

and grant is right on the money with what he said



Lifetaker, heartbreaker.
Mar 30, 2005
South Jersey
csr ma71 said:
Does she have a pierced tongue? Does she have a belly button ring? Does she have a butterfly tattoo? If so, then she might be a slut.

she have 2 of her nipples & belly button pierced

man..i really like her too. but all signs point to slut :(


New Member
Apr 4, 2005
I dunno but my current gf of almost 2 years now, I met her through some friend we all went to the fair she was all over me and shit but I wasn't feeling her at first. Well I go home and she msg's me on aim and we get to talking and I ask her if she wants to go out and she says ya so we go to the beach the next day and I finger her right there on the beach. A week later I was hitting it, she has never cheated on me and I was only her 2nd, wether this helps u or not I dunno, she may be a slut she may not be lol.


Dec 31, 1969
Richmond, BC, Canada
There absolutely nothing wrong with dating a slut, as long as she's an honest gal. Or in other words, if she keeps herself busy with you. Beats the hell out of getting together with someone and having your sexlife freaking vanish inside of a year.


Zero State
Mar 31, 2005
Women are complicated. I've had one girlfriend. I'm still a virgin, and I don't really seem to care all that much about sex... Maybe there is something wrong with me, but it is a sort of a tell when she is willing to sleep with you so soon.. That only begs the question, does she put out with other guys this quickly? Is she looking for a secure future? Is she just screwing with your head? I find that the last answer can answer the why of many of the things women do. If they're honest, get to know them better. It's always good when you have an honest person to talk to. I have a friend I've known since high school. At first I liked her but quickly realized exactly how much of a drain she could end up being. So I just stayed her friend since she has a very magnetic personality and is BRUTALLY honest. She is relatively straight edge in terms of ethics, but she likes things.. Jewelry, car stuff and playboy bunnies. Her current boyfriend bought her all manner of Jewelery and I always let her know with a huge smirk what she adamantly denies: she's high maintenance. I'd go with gut instinct on this one. Test the waters out. Find anything really incriminating.. run as fast as you can.. and yes, always use your own protection. If you don't protect yourself out there, no one else will.


I think it was the google
Mar 30, 2005
The Farm
drunk_medic said:
Kroze, man, I'd say yes. I don't wanna call your girl names, but if it quacks like a duck, and waddles like it just got f*cked after the 2nd date, it's probably a slut.

If she's hot and you have fun with her, you may wanna keep her around for fun - make sure you USE PROTECTION. You are a military man which makes you a target for a chick looking for a paycheck, and you don't want to get her pregnant on accident [also known as "she conveniently forgot to take her pill" so she can trap someone with a steady income]. Wrap up before you do the deed, and DON'T TRUST HER FOR CONTRACEPTION; don't trust that she's taken her pill, used her foam, whatever other forms of birth control, and don't use a condom that she provides [could be sabotaged] - you are a man, so buy your own. Don't keep them in your wallet - if you do, replace it at the faintest sign of wear on the package, or every other day that it's been in your wallet. Don't store them in your car, no matter how cool you keep it. Treat them like they are more important than your flak vest and rifle, combined.

Just looking out for you, man. These are crazy times.

Kroze, *in the smokey the bear voice*, "only you can prevent the population from rising."
your in alaska right?
well maybe alaskin chicks dont get a lot of action. and you just got lucky, but im guessing your not her first. If you really like her keep your gaurd up and dig around ask some crazy questions to get to the truth, or just ask her straight up what you want to know, normally it catches them off gaurd and they will answer truthfully.
and on the 2nd date, damn she must want something:ugh:


Supramania Contributor
Mar 31, 2005
Actually... not enuff info to determine slutty-ness. Didn't hit it on the 1st date and "hung-out" all day and into the nite, when he finally did get to hit it. You don't even have to ask... if she talked dirty, did "naughty" things, and/or taught YOU a thing or 2 on that occassion, she might be a slut.


1991 1JZ
Mar 30, 2005
new rochelle
alllllllllllllllllllllllllll girls are whoreeeeeeeesssssss. its a fact!

girls just dont respect their bodies, its a shame. dont get me wrong, i love women but i have learned the hard way that they will fuck any guy and then cry about it later.

just have fun with her man. it dosnt matter if shes a slut, if you two fall in love well then thats that, love. if you two are truley in love she wont cheat on you. and you two will be happy together.

as of now, just take her out, dont be exclusive otherwise you run the risk of getting burned. just dont worry about it.
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