Irrational fears.


I think it was the google
Mar 30, 2005
The Farm
GrimJack;979762 said:
They'll charge TRAINS.

This one took out my '82 Celica on the highway. I was doing 60+ mph when he hit me - spun the car around one and a half times, trashed the car.

Fucking moose was fine, didn't even knock the SOB down.

Why does that part scare me, not you hit him.....
ilikebigbutts;979145 said:
i have found my self "scared" of driving after i plowed into a dump truck and totaled my 240sx.I'm not really scared, i just find my self always thinking and making scenarios of what would happen if the turn i just took i was going to fast and hit the guard rail?the flipped into incoming traffic and maybe landed on them railroad tracks as the train is going by?

I understand that feeling, I had an accident a while back where some guy just completely randomly hit me in the rear quarter (would have been a t-bone if I hadn't seen his headlights coming and sped up) and was thinking up all these possible situations every time I took a turn or changed lanes.

For some reason I've never been afraid at all of traveling at high speeds or spinning out. I suppose it's because the first time I ever test drove the Supra in a parking lot (when it was N/A) I accidentally lost traction turning around at like 30 mph because the tires were completely bald and came very close to hitting a pole. My bumper left a tiny speck of red on the pole and I stopped it exactly so it touched only on that little spot =)


New Member
May 8, 2007
i hate spiders. i even check the inside of my shoe before i put it on lol.

as for needles, i hated them... but fuck, when morphines on the inside, i dont give a fuck !

any bug, that can do alot of fucken damage. doing somethign stupid to cause me to loose a body part....rather just die.


Feb 22, 2006
Columbus, Indiana
iheartmx83;979891 said:
i hate spiders. i even check the inside of my shoe before i put it on lol.

as for needles, i hated them... but fuck, when morphines on the inside, i dont give a fuck !

any bug, that can do alot of fucken damage. doing somethign stupid to cause me to loose a body part....rather just die.

you should always check your shoes...especially when they been in dark, damp places...


Active Member
Mar 30, 2005
DreamerTheresa;980988 said:

She's not kidding, anytime we see any machine operating autonomously, she freaks out and starts yelling about Terminator and SkyNet...


Aug 17, 2006
Columbus, OH/Kansas
I'm with the first three posts. #1 being the most.
1. Spiders, especially wolf spiders, hate those damn fast ass f**kers
2. Po Po's, just scared of getting pulled over
3. Heights, when I'm at a mall with three or more floors, I tend to stay by the walls haha, my palms get kind of sweaty when I'm on the rails looking down


The Pretty Doward
Jan 25, 2008
Alachua, FL
Alright, here's another one for you, that I didn't think of earlier:

Fucking CLOWNS. Creepy mo-fo's.....
I *seriously* had nightmares about the damned things for about a year when I was a teenager. :shudders:


Supramania Contributor
Sep 17, 2006
Woodbury, MN
Wasps have scared the shit out of me for a long long time, and even after being stung I'm still afraid...bees also scare me but to a much lesser extent.

Recently I've started fearing Laundry machines during their spin cycle...I couldn't quite tell you on that one...:aigo:

As for opposite fears, I've always liked spiders. I'll do anything to keep them alive while trying to remove them from the house, and I hate stepping on one or watching one get killed.


Active Member
Mar 30, 2005
DsBetterHalf;981417 said:
Fucking CLOWNS. Creepy mo-fo's.....
I *seriously* had nightmares about the damned things for about a year when I was a teenager. :shudders:

Theresa's little sister has that one. To the point that now, even at 19 years old she'll run away from one screaming.

emiliorescigno;981475 said:
Wasps have scared the shit out of me for a long long time, and even after being stung I'm still afraid...bees also scare me but to a much lesser extent.

I used to be like that, I got over it.

emiliorescigno;981475 said:
Recently I've started fearing Laundry machines during their spin cycle...I couldn't quite tell you on that one...:aigo:

Um... Ok...:icon_razz

emiliorescigno;981475 said:
As for opposite fears, I've always liked spiders. I'll do anything to keep them alive while trying to remove them from the house, and I hate stepping on one or watching one get killed.

I do my best to do the same. Theresa hates them, I like spiders. I carry them outside too.


Jan 11, 2006
Alachua, FL
I'm not girly about it. I see a spider and it's fight or flight all the way. In dealing with spiders, I have done all of the following at some point:

1) Taken a 12 gauge shotgun to one
2) Jumped from a moving car in avoiding one
3) Put a hole in the wall, throwing boots/shoes/anything I could reach at one
4) Proven that guys can not stop pissing once they have started. I pissed all over the bathroom getting away from some gigantic wolf spider
5) Run offroad trying to kill a fucking spider in the car
6) Punched a spider in the face
7) Done multiple running dropkicks to kill spiders
8) Fire. Many times. I consider it cleansing for the spiders.

Anything with more than 2 eyes and 4 legs I run from. If I can't easily get away, I will do battle with the demons!

I. Fucking. Hate. Spiders.


SM Expert on White trash
Sep 26, 2006
Weatherford, Texas, United States
Biggest ones: Black Widow Spiders and Scorpions. <<<EVIL
Most other insects I'll carry out of the house and let them go, but those two have to die.

It scares to swim where I can't see the bottom. I'm afraid of something coming up and attacking me.

After seeing The Howling when I was a young teen, I am still afraid of Werewolves. I grew up in the woods and I still get creeped out when in the woods at dark.

I used to not be afraid of Bee's but since I had a bad local reaction to a sting last summer that lasted months, I have since become afraid fearing an anaphylactic reaction. I've since started carrying an Epi-Pen.

Oh, and I do fear needles...and I'm a paramedic!!!
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