Invisalign braces?


Supramania Contributor
shaeff said:
i had braces (real braces) for a year and a half. if i had to do it over again, i'd definatly do it. so many girls have complimented how nice my teeth look. :)

100% worth it. infact, some of them even grabbed my face, opened my mouth, and proceeded to look at my teeth for minutes at a time, all the while complimenting how nice they look. :)

besides, it makes your smile nicer. how can you go wrong with that?
I had them for maybe a year.
My teeth weren't crooked in the first place. The week after I got them off I took an elbow to the mouth. Let's just say I was happy they were off. 0_o


The Magnificent Seven
Oct 16, 2005
i was told by my ortho that invisalign does take almost twice as long to get the teeth into position. it might not involve as much eyeballing, but a good orthodontist should be able to get it right in the first few visits. mine did, at least, and i just had to wear em a year and a half.


New Member
Jul 28, 2006
gilbert, az
Clip said:
i was told by my ortho that invisalign does take almost twice as long to get the teeth into position. it might not involve as much eyeballing, but a good orthodontist should be able to get it right in the first few visits. mine did, at least, and i just had to wear em a year and a half.

A year and a half with metal bars on my teeth is not worth it.


Kurt is FTMFW x2!!!!
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 30, 2005
^ i only had my metal braces for a year and a half. it flew by, and who cares, dude? think of how much better your teeth will look!

hell, if my teeth suddenly got crooked, i'd get braces again no matter what age!


New Member
Jul 28, 2006
gilbert, az
shaeff said:
^ i only had my metal braces for a year and a half. it flew by, and who cares, dude? think of how much better your teeth will look!

hell, if my teeth suddenly got crooked, i'd get braces again no matter what age!

lol again, I dont care if my teeth are crooked. Its the gum problems caused by crooked/extra teeth 20 years from now that worries me. A year of metal in my mouth sounds like tortue compared to a year with a plastic mouth piece.

Hell, give me 2 years with removable plastic Vs. 1 year of metal bars. Cost is no factor with my insurance. I had 4 wisdom teeth pulled with a bill of over 2,500$ and I only paid like 100 bucks lol. I think the 100 was because I opted for the full anesthesia Vs local.

Right now its brush really well around my 'extra' 2 teeth or, get them pulled then have braces to avoid possible problems later.

My gf thinks Im nuts because I actually Want crooked teeth so I can later cover them in platinum or gold lol. Crooked platinum teeth has always been my dream for some reason.


New Member
Dec 3, 2006
Sounds to me like invisalign isnt the best bet for you. Sounds like you dont really care. Not even gonna lie, braces hurt like a bitch for the first week or so. WIth invisalign you have the option to take them out, and if you dont really care your probably gonna take them out. It will either go really slowly for you, or never at all.


New Member
Jul 28, 2006
gilbert, az
1jzdreamer said:
Sounds to me like invisalign isnt the best bet for you. Sounds like you dont really care. Not even gonna lie, braces hurt like a bitch for the first week or so. WIth invisalign you have the option to take them out, and if you dont really care your probably gonna take them out. It will either go really slowly for you, or never at all.

I Care because I want my teeth straight for medical reasons not for vanity. Crooked over crowded teeth lead to gum problems my dentist told me....


Want The Boooooossttttttt
Oct 12, 2006
Cape Coral,Florida
my friend wears these currently hes been on them for a pretty long time maybe 8-10 months hes on the very last set he'll have to wear and his teeth are very very very very very very straight but they are expensive as hell.