

New Member
Apr 7, 2010
Virginia Beach
So I'm just getting this 89 GTE on the road. It's the second MKIII for me, the first burnt to a crisp (Tires exploding kind of blaze) on the side of I64 in VA within a week of buying it (!/album.php?aid=115615&id=615223889). Kept looking around, and found this one. While transporting it from Richmond to VA Beach it threw a rod and also proceeded to get all candescent. Luckily, my buddy gave me an extinguisher as a gag, in light of the first one, on my way out of town. Both performed their fiery displays at mile marker 222. So, this buddy and I, both being financially involved with both cars. Decided to make this a shared project and started Inferno 222 Racing ( and Inferno 222 on facebook) to rebuild and get this thing to the track.

We sourced a used engine with a spun bearing from a local guy (Who I believe is a member on here) and rebuilt it with forged shot peened H beams from, and Probe SRS pistons. Just got this thing on the road this past weekend ( and and started browsing around here for some quick answers to common issues.

I'm by no means new to general tuning and car geekiness, but starting to play with this thing is a bit of a change from the Saturn's I have been involved with for years now.

Ohhhh, and... Hi, I'm Dave...


New Member
Apr 7, 2010
Virginia Beach
They hang on the wall in my shed, I couldn't turn them in because "They were destroyed in an unfortunate accident involving a toothpick, garden hose, hooker, and industrial solvents" they didn't implore further information and simply told me as long as they were not on a motor vehicle, there would be no problem..