ok so i posted my car on craigslist that i wanted a trade, you know to see if anyone was interested nothin special, MR2, SC300, Fox Mustang, Grand National. I was willing to trade, add money and a spare transmission. So this kid e-mail's me talkin mad shit and by the end of it i put him in his place, true i was interent thuggin to, but if he wants to race i gladly will. you have to start from the bottom up. I havent responded to the the last one yet, but he obviously cant read that i put in ARP's.
------An Bu
haha someone driving a 7m clowning on the jza series. shows exactly how much you know...stock its 280, boost controller + dp,exhaust and FMIC = 430 whp..torqueless uh, no..dont hate because your so poor from putting all that ricer ebay shit on your slow 7m. I havent taken it to the track because i just swapped the motor this winter dumb fuck, have you been to the track this winter? lol idiot. Ill smoke you 6 ways from sunday. you meet me anywhere anytime and ill put a G on it.
-Nick Woods wrote:
hahahahaha you ever take your car to the track? wanna put up or shut up?
yeah thats my fuckin name cuz i made this account when i was 13 bitch.
Really i wish i could have a MK4? where did ya get that from? dude your
drivin around in a tourqless wonder 1jz. those things make shit for power,
especially stock, in a heavy ass SC300. your a fuckin clown. internet thug
--------From: AN Bu
dude your car is weak, your weak, you wish you had my car, you wish you
could have a mk4, you wish you were me....so sad, good luck finding someone
as dumb as you to want to trade their fast nice newer car, for your piece
of shit.. building a 7m is like putting fuckin caviar on a rotten
steak.only retards like you would do that. mr ACURANSXBOI..lol fag.
-Nick Woods wrote: hahahahahahahahah i wanna trade
it for a change of pace dude, your to much
of a fucking idiot to quote Mike Urbano you fucking cunt. In my last
message i just told you it has ALL ARP hardware you illiterate fuck. you dont know a
damn thing, how fast cars are, how to read, jesus did you pass first grade?
hahaha yeah didnt think you had much of a response to thw quater times
idiot, go fuck yourself.
FULLY REBUILT, w/o a cometic and arp's what a dumb fuck. your car sucks, and thats why you want to get rid of it...like mike urbano said, "7m sucks"
-Nick Woods wrote:
hahahahahah except for the fact i've been boostin on it for a year and never
blown a head gasket, probably for the fact that its FULLY rebuilt, .30 over
pistons, ARP head, main and rod bolts. And not only that. your a fucking
idiot when i comes to quarter times. i even have a link for you jackass.
1995 Toyota MR2 Turbo 6.2 14.8
1985 Buick Regal Grand National 7.5 15.7
1986 Buick Regal Grand National 4.9 13.9
i would work both of them and you.
hahahahahahahah i cant wait for the response to this becuase you have NO
idea what your talking about
---------From: AN Bu
it just so happeneds i do have a 1jz got it for 1900 bucks, its stock, but
still faster then that BHG machine you call a car. You say a MR2 Turbo or a
GN cant out run your car LOL, a MR2 turbo runs 13s stock, GN runs 12s..your
car runs gay so dont even compair them you assclown.
-Nick Woods wrote: wow. guarantee your car weighs
more than mine. And unless you have a turbo'd
1j i would fuckin waste your sorry ass.
------From: AN Bu
i drive a 93 sc300 5 speed bitch.. HAHAHAH I WOULD OUTRUN THAT PIECE OF
SHIT, that 4000 lb brick slow ass brick would probably blow a head gasket
racing anything. lol ur such a fag. i think ill give you my SC for that
gay ass piece of shit. NOT! I gave up smoking crack last week..good luck
finding someone whos as dumb as you. And as far as riced out hondas..you
are either a former or current ricer mr "AcuraNSXboi". You and your gay
wannabe fast car can eat a dick.
-Nick Woods wrote: hahahahahahah except for the
fact that none of the cars on my list could
outrun my car you dumbfuck. jesus christ think before you talk. hell you
prolly drive some riced out Honda motherfucker
------From: AN Bu
why in the hell would someone trade you a newer, faster, nicer car..for
that piece of slow shit HAHHAA ur a dumbass, THINK!
------An Bu
haha someone driving a 7m clowning on the jza series. shows exactly how much you know...stock its 280, boost controller + dp,exhaust and FMIC = 430 whp..torqueless uh, no..dont hate because your so poor from putting all that ricer ebay shit on your slow 7m. I havent taken it to the track because i just swapped the motor this winter dumb fuck, have you been to the track this winter? lol idiot. Ill smoke you 6 ways from sunday. you meet me anywhere anytime and ill put a G on it.
-Nick Woods wrote:
hahahahaha you ever take your car to the track? wanna put up or shut up?
yeah thats my fuckin name cuz i made this account when i was 13 bitch.
Really i wish i could have a MK4? where did ya get that from? dude your
drivin around in a tourqless wonder 1jz. those things make shit for power,
especially stock, in a heavy ass SC300. your a fuckin clown. internet thug
--------From: AN Bu
dude your car is weak, your weak, you wish you had my car, you wish you
could have a mk4, you wish you were me....so sad, good luck finding someone
as dumb as you to want to trade their fast nice newer car, for your piece
of shit.. building a 7m is like putting fuckin caviar on a rotten
steak.only retards like you would do that. mr ACURANSXBOI..lol fag.
-Nick Woods wrote: hahahahahahahahah i wanna trade
it for a change of pace dude, your to much
of a fucking idiot to quote Mike Urbano you fucking cunt. In my last
message i just told you it has ALL ARP hardware you illiterate fuck. you dont know a
damn thing, how fast cars are, how to read, jesus did you pass first grade?
hahaha yeah didnt think you had much of a response to thw quater times
idiot, go fuck yourself.
FULLY REBUILT, w/o a cometic and arp's what a dumb fuck. your car sucks, and thats why you want to get rid of it...like mike urbano said, "7m sucks"
-Nick Woods wrote:
hahahahahah except for the fact i've been boostin on it for a year and never
blown a head gasket, probably for the fact that its FULLY rebuilt, .30 over
pistons, ARP head, main and rod bolts. And not only that. your a fucking
idiot when i comes to quarter times. i even have a link for you jackass.
1995 Toyota MR2 Turbo 6.2 14.8
1985 Buick Regal Grand National 7.5 15.7
1986 Buick Regal Grand National 4.9 13.9
i would work both of them and you.
hahahahahahahah i cant wait for the response to this becuase you have NO
idea what your talking about
---------From: AN Bu
it just so happeneds i do have a 1jz got it for 1900 bucks, its stock, but
still faster then that BHG machine you call a car. You say a MR2 Turbo or a
GN cant out run your car LOL, a MR2 turbo runs 13s stock, GN runs 12s..your
car runs gay so dont even compair them you assclown.
-Nick Woods wrote: wow. guarantee your car weighs
more than mine. And unless you have a turbo'd
1j i would fuckin waste your sorry ass.
------From: AN Bu
i drive a 93 sc300 5 speed bitch.. HAHAHAH I WOULD OUTRUN THAT PIECE OF
SHIT, that 4000 lb brick slow ass brick would probably blow a head gasket
racing anything. lol ur such a fag. i think ill give you my SC for that
gay ass piece of shit. NOT! I gave up smoking crack last week..good luck
finding someone whos as dumb as you. And as far as riced out hondas..you
are either a former or current ricer mr "AcuraNSXboi". You and your gay
wannabe fast car can eat a dick.
-Nick Woods wrote: hahahahahahah except for the
fact that none of the cars on my list could
outrun my car you dumbfuck. jesus christ think before you talk. hell you
prolly drive some riced out Honda motherfucker
------From: AN Bu
why in the hell would someone trade you a newer, faster, nicer car..for
that piece of slow shit HAHHAA ur a dumbass, THINK!
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