So, ever since I bought the car, the dome lights won't work. Not matter if the door is open, or if I push on them, they still don't work. I replaced the bulbs, same thing.
The red squares on the doors light up fine, and all of my dash lights are ok also.
Would this be a fuse?
The only fuse block I have found is in the engine bay on the driver's side.
The fuses and relays in the engine bay seem to be fine, but iirc those aren't for the interior at all.
The red squares on the doors light up fine, and all of my dash lights are ok also.
Would this be a fuse?
The only fuse block I have found is in the engine bay on the driver's side.
The fuses and relays in the engine bay seem to be fine, but iirc those aren't for the interior at all.