This weekend my mate and i attempted to do the manual conversion since my 3rd tranz died.we got the tranny out and the tailshaft etc ok but tryin to install the r154 is a friggn pain in the ass.Ive got the tranny in the pilot bearing and its up on 2 jacks,took us all weekend so far and all sunday to try to get this damn tranny to line up with the dowels and bolt holes.its just bout 5-10mm short of going in completely.I have followed the trsm guidelines and still no luck.Have any of you guys and gals got any tips on how to make it fit?ive got the motor jacked up at the crank pully to rock it back but just dosnt seem to wanna go the final few mm's.Ive even tried swearing at it and threatening to sell her if she dosn't go in :icon_conf