i just installed my voodoo mbc and i'm still getting only 5 psi.What could cause this?
i turned it all the way counter clock wise (like ALL the way) and i was barely getting 5. now 15 full turns later and i'm still getting only 5 psi, although i did see 7 psi for a split second in 3rd gear.I've only been able to wind 2nd gear up to redline and i just wont get above 5.
The only thing i can think of:
Boost leak
weak wastegate?i have an extar one i should switch them
shitty boost gauge...
To be honest the car does feel a lil more powerfull but not that much it could just be in my head to.Any thoughts?the thing is like threaded half way in i figured i'd have more boost by now...
i turned it all the way counter clock wise (like ALL the way) and i was barely getting 5. now 15 full turns later and i'm still getting only 5 psi, although i did see 7 psi for a split second in 3rd gear.I've only been able to wind 2nd gear up to redline and i just wont get above 5.
The only thing i can think of:
Boost leak
weak wastegate?i have an extar one i should switch them
shitty boost gauge...
To be honest the car does feel a lil more powerfull but not that much it could just be in my head to.Any thoughts?the thing is like threaded half way in i figured i'd have more boost by now...