Well I installed it up yesterday and ran into a couple snags, one was missing a fitting for the coolant line from the turbo which charlie at ss quickly called me when he read my post on sf and sorted it out. I should have the fitting on tuesday. The other problem was my intake was just too long and my ps res didnt fit, well today I hack up my aluminum accordian replacement peice and now everything fits like a dreams, here are a couple shots. Not up and running yet still waiting on that fitting. Lemme know what you knuckle heads think.
I have more pics that I took yesterday, if anyone who doesn't surf sf didn't see them yesterday. Just ask and I will post the rest up. Btw it is a 58 trim big shaft. I love this CSF radiator btw!
I have more pics that I took yesterday, if anyone who doesn't surf sf didn't see them yesterday. Just ask and I will post the rest up. Btw it is a 58 trim big shaft. I love this CSF radiator btw!