One thing I've always enjoyed about Indiana Jones, is that the hero is somewhat realistic, and yet the story can be so far fetched. Indiana is a flawed hero, makes mistakes, and is about as graceful as a deflated football... the stories are not: as mentioned above.
I like to think that it's taking a normal, every-day guy we could all relate to, and care about, and putting him into extra-ordinary situations. He's just an average guy with two hands, a whip, and (occasionally) a pistol (which is usually never around when he REALLY needs it, lol). Granted that Indy's gotta have balls the size of watermelons to do some of the stuff he does, and a few horseshoes shoved into various places, but there's gotta be some fun somewhere, right? It's just a movie.
Consider the scene where Indy is faced with the crazy sword wielding maniac... and whips out his pistol and shoots his bitch ass? I can't count how many times I've wondered why the hero doesn't just shoot the guy in the same situations in various movies... I recall on more than one occasion yelling at the movie "YOU HAVE A GUN YOU STUPID MOTHERFUCK! SHOOT HIS BITCH ASS!"... But, Indiana Jones, he delivers.
I've seen snowmobiles drive up trees... perhaps it's within the realm of reason that a car could :biglaugh: