NashMan;1798849 said:
hummmmm one last question, I know the hps plus dusted really bad and they made shit load of noise on my buddies bimmer in traffic he change them out because of this....... but they did stop really well when they heated up.
does the yellows stuff fall into this bracket of issues?
Yeah they dust alot. I notice the dust after just a few miles of hard driving. I don't mind it, personally.
They only squeak on my car right after I run them hard, other than that they don't.
How well rotor/caliper upgrades do on any given car is really on a case by case basis. Once you start upgrading parts, changing tire widths, swapping out for lighter stuff/stripping weight out you're changing your brake bias needs compared to other cars even if they are the same make/model. When I was running stock pads on the front I had problems with the rear brakes locking up before the front. It was kind of scary. This was because of the weight I removed from the rear. Since I upgraded the front pads and took more weight off the front end the brakes are balanced out and the fronts will lock up first now.
A bias adjuster is the easiest way to do this, of course.