I'm getting sick of my fellow americans.


Mar 30, 2005
Well this is really been bugging me for along time and it's just getting worse. I first need to state that i love this country and i served it proudly for 7yrs in the USAF.

After being to many countries, you can really see how FAT and overweight americans are and it's getting worse. For some reason it really pisses me off, and the fat parents are making there kids overweight as well and the kids don't know any better.

I was in europe for a yr and it's far less common to see really heavy people.

I can't even go to the food store and shop comfortable cause of all the damn fat people that are so fat and lazy that they drive those little motorized carts around cause there too fat to even walk.

Hell Mc Donalds in now open 24hrs in some places. This shit is getting out of control and it diguse me. IT's becoming totally acceptable in our society and people just don't care any more.

I really don't know i made this post, but the shit just pisses me off.


Needs a new username...
Apr 1, 2005
United States
^ lol, I feel the same way. Check out hospitals... exactly the same way.

I mean, I'm overweight (5'9"-ish, 210) but people are just stupid about being HUGE. "uhhh its glandular...." , "It runs in the family" wtfe, you have to TRY to get that fat. Eating wrong, all the time... no excercise, NOTHING. Hell, even the fat people get the close parking spots because they are fat, hell, make 'em walk from the back of the damn parking lot!

And I know a lot of people live by the "eat right, stay fit, die anyway" motto, but shit. Atleast the last 5+ years of your life wouldn't be spent in a hospital bed with you barely being able to move because you're too big for your knees/legs/hips/w/e to support you.

It's a lack of self control, that's about it.


Use your GUY instinct
Apr 6, 2005
Oceanside (for now), CA
Dude, if you get upset at what you've seen before, don't come to HI. It's almost like it's cool to be fat, lazy as fuck, uneducated, illiterate and completely ignorant here.

Thankfully, I'm about to take a 20-day vacation and get my ass off this little island. After that, I'll be on a ship for 20 days in July and once that's done I'll have less than 3 months until I can leave this place for good.


Supra Agent
Dec 26, 2005
These things bug me too.

I get Especially angry when I see a veteran or a soldier (heroes dammit!) get jerked around by lazy fux who dont know the real price of freedom.

I also live in a place where it seems like most everyone is doin METH.(or somethin)

Theres also wannabe gangstas that think they can only gain respect by murdering an innocent and getting away with it. :nono:

For me to know that there are people like you who refuse to let thier mind corrupt, or sellout for popularity gives me hope. I really feel your pain.

No worries tho-
Only the STRONG survive, the weak they DIE.

I made a song for us for moments like these-
In hope you feel better too!



LuvMySilverSupra said:
it's because people in other countries are too poor to eat as much as we do here :)

YEah and with that said, I hate looking at over weight people and what they do, its like its came to a point where its not even shameful for them to go out in public... I actually make fun of em as much as I can, such as the other day when dude took the elevator for only 1 floor, I went- Wow, 1 fucking floor when dude pushed the button... yeah I'm a fucking asshole, I don't care.. aight peace :chicken:


Very expensive....
Aug 1, 2005
Greensboro and Greenville NC
I have a quadriplegic friend, and I actually met her waiting at the end of the line to get on the elevator.

She had to wait for these fat fucking people just so she could go up one floor.

This building has HUGE stairwells for people to use, hell, it's only a 3 level building.

SO I said: "In the time it took you fatties to wait for the elevator to come back down to get you, you could have been upstairs already... take the stairs, you could use the exercise..."



United States of America
Mar 30, 2005
This is the appropriate thread for me to post this:

They were doing a Biggest Looser contestant call somewhere in California. So many people showed up for the location they selected, they had to cancel it. They interviewed some lady that said she had driven a twelve hundred miles and waited in line all day before she got the news they had canceled and she says "where's our chance to be skinny" :rofl::rofl: Like it's someone else's responsibility :rofl: :rofl:



  • Wheres our chance to be skinny.jpg
    Wheres our chance to be skinny.jpg
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7Ms are for Cressidas
Apr 1, 2005
Woodstock, GA
Mike, I totally agree with you. My wife and I went to the matress store and then to Wal Mart. We were waiting outside having a drink, talking to a co-worker who happened to walk by. He had his kids with him, and had to be on his way, so my wife and I sat there on a bench, relaxing. It was a really nice day. While sitting there, I looked over and saw a really huge woman. Now, I have had some "heavy" friends and family members, but this was ridiculous. She was wearing what looked like a light blue flowered nightgown that could have doubled as a shower curtain. Her arm looked like a regular old person's arm with loose/saggy looking skin, but right above each elbow her skin suddenly just became SO fat that it SAGGED OVER SIX INCHES !![I'm not kidding, it looked like meat hanging off a boiled bone]. The kicker was, she was on a cell phone, talking to someone about her health, and she said that she's doing better, taking it easy, and that [insert name here] taught her how to live like a cat - nap, eat, sleep. I looked at my wife and said "Like she doesn't know how to do that already"? Anyone who really knows me well knows that I have humility, and that I am not the kind of person to put myself above others, even if I joke around a lot, but seriously, I could not look at that woman. I was so disgusted, and it was one of the first times that something like that had happened. Maybe my situations at work are teaching me intolerance for some things in life, and it is transferring to other parts of my life, but I was seriously bothered that the woman was that big and clearly did not care. It has made ME self conscious, too, because although I did well on my Air Force PT test, I have gained weight during the past [almost] 9 years. I am the same height now as I was then, and I am 50lbs heavier. I was 5'10.5" 140lbs and my Service Dress Blues trousers were a 31 waist. I am now 190lbs and my blues are a 37 waist [which is weird because I wear 34 waist pants]! My wife says that she likes the way I am, and I was too skinny back then, but I am not happy and I have 3 months in the desert coming up that I am not going to let go to waste. Three months with the gym as one of your only entertainment sources can do wonders.
One other thing that bothered me: A co-worker's heavy-set wife goes to the gym on base, which I think is wonderful - she's doing something about it - but she takes the elevator in a 2-story building. I was thinking maybe it's a joint problem, but why would she be doing cardio on the treadmill/eliptical/cycle machines? I know that the eliptical is low impact, but I don't think the others are.

Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Sep 9, 2005
Well this is really been bugging me for along time and it's just getting worse. I first need to state that i love this country and i served it proudly for 7yrs in the USAF.
Chair force eh? :biglaugh:

It is a little suprsising to see how fat America is when you go back to the civillian population.


New Member
Oct 31, 2005
Somers New York
Im not generally a "mean" person. But i have a certain "annoyance" (sp?) for super heavy people.

Its like "why dont you get off your ass and run to mcdonalds, not take your huge SUV?"

Im 5'6 and 115 pounds. And i dislike fat people.

Joel W.

Just A Jedi
Nov 7, 2005
I think most people are so used to the old habits of eating 3 meals a day, but the problem is we don't do anything for exercise except walk to and from the car to the house, office or fast food joint (you don't even need to get out of the car there) so we are not "using" what we eat. Back in the day people had to work for their food, and 3 meals were necessary to survive.

Personally, I have always been thin, But I am an active person and when I am busting ass, I may need to eat 5 times a day. On the other hand, If I am being lazy all day, I may only eat once.

People should eat only when they are hungry, not because the clock says it's lunch or dinner time.
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New Member
Dec 8, 2005
has any one seen that show on TLC called "Honey We're killing the kids"? fuckin proof of how out of hand fatness is getting. my parents always yell at me because i get on my little borthers case because all he does is eat and watch tv and it shows.



Use your GUY instinct
Apr 6, 2005
Oceanside (for now), CA
Joel W. said:
Personally, I have always been thin, but I am an active person and when I am busting ass, I may need to eat 5 times a day. On the other hand, If I am being lazy all day, I may only eat once.
I'm feelin' ya, man. I'm 6'1," 160-ish lbs, have a very high metabolism and when I'm working I'm always hungry. When the weekend rolls around I want to just chill out and relax, but I get more lazy than I'd like to. I don't get hungry quite as much on the weekend and I realize that if I get too bored I'll eat just because it's something to do. Luckily, I can eat whatever I want and not gain weight. I have given up fast food-not that I ever ate that much of it-and I eat relatively healthy food so that I don't clog up my veins. I kind of need those to work if I don't want to have heart problems by the time I'm in my 50s.

aye mate

Hiatus over.
Mar 30, 2005
SP 7M said:
I realize that if I get too bored I'll eat just because it's something to do.
Man, I do that all the time. Thats why I can't wait til school gets out in a week so I can go back to working everyday instead of sitting around doing HW and eating.
I too, detest grossly obese people. I can't stand people that ride those little carts at wal-mart because they are so fat they can't walk. Also I work at a golf course and I really hate it when people that are insanely fat get a golf cart instead of walk, its like, here you are playing golf 2-3 times a week and if you walked everytime you played they would be so much healthier.
I have put on a few pounds over this past school year and am getting a gym membership to get back in shape, also to get me in shape for the Fire Fighter training test.
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Mr. Evergreen
Mar 30, 2005
i take shit for being skinny and eating 'healthy' i had a v8 and some apple slices on my break while everyone else had chips and ice cream.

"oh i geuss thats why your so skinny"

im not skinny i'm at my exact body weight for my height and my ass doesnt jiggle, everyone else is just getting fatter. i'm just like "can YOU do more than 60 pushups without buckling your arms or run a mile wihout collapsing a lung?"

malloy you brought up a good point, work out america!


sucka got blammed!
Sep 11, 2005
Phoenix, AZ
Joel W. said:

HOLY ****** HELL! I had a quintuple (half that size) when I worked at Wendy's and I nearly threw up (i'm sure the two biggie cokes and the biggie fry had some to do with that too). Props to whoever can eat that in one sitting, that's not a sandwich, that's a sammich.

and i'm 5'11" at 135lbs, but my metabolism is through the roof, so I eat an awful lot. I do get offended by overweight people, especially when they think it's my problem that I can't get around them or they believe they require some sort of special treatment because there overweight. Granted I know some kick-ass cool fat people, but nearly all of them are realistic and down to earth.

...but what I REALLY can't stand is people who believe gastric(sp) bypass surgery is some wonderfull cure all that will solve everything. Some people need to get out of fantasy land and back to reality every once in a while.