idle problem. cant figure this out.


WTF did he just wright ?
Aug 5, 2005
Victoria BC
well that is easy all ya do is unplug it and it will let ya know right way if it is

and tps is easy to test just put your ddm on the voltage wires and see if it has smooth rise in voltage when pushing the throttle

and setting up the tps is easy as well

adjust to the point of deflect

Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Sep 9, 2005
mercuryfreak200;1830340 said:
Ok here is an update. It still has a bad idle when cold it warms up and still does the surging but ot as bad. Now if you drive it before it stras to warm up it stumbles real bad and you have to feather the throttle. at a certain point it runs like its a brand new car (this is just before the thermostate opens), then it runs fine while driving but if you stop it surges and what not.

Nick M;1814877 said:
So it runs bad when cold, and after it warms, and clearances are taken up it runs better? Yes?

Did you ever take a vacuum reading when cold and warm?

mercuryfreak200;1815180 said:
Wow that would be great I am sure I will have it figured out but right now I don't know yet.

So much for that, eh?


?Which parents?
No I have not done a vaccum reading. Ive never done that before. I did use carb cleaner around the intake gaskets and tried looking for any breaks in the vac lines did not find any. I did change the idle control valve that did help. I'm starting to lean towards reseting the timing but I'm not sure if that's what is wrong cause its advancing to 12 degrees so I think its right. I have to be over looking something. Its almost like its loading up on fuel cause there are times in the morning when I start it to go to work I smell fuel for a second. Maybe its not getting enough fuel and its surging cause its lean then get enough then lean. I'm just throwing ideas around.


?Which parents?
And as for coming to help in early may a really good friend of mine had been dealing with cancer and passed away last Saturday so it wasn't that I didn't want the help its just a car compared to one of my friends getting sick and diying the car can wait but if the offer still stands it would be much appreciated to have antother set of eyes that knows about these cars would be great. I have all kinds of time my hours got cut to two days a week fir now till buisness picks up again.