ID'd for Robitussin?


Supramania Contributor
Jan 8, 2007
Baytown, Texas
Not me. Friend in N.J., Frank Meloi:

I've had a bad cough for the past two days so I decided to stop at A&P on my way home tonight and pick up some Robotussin. When I brought the box up to the register the cashier asked me for ID. "Why do you need to see ID? I'm paying in cash." I asked. He then told me that Kids use Robotussin to get high, and that he needed to verify that I was over 18. "Are you kidding me?" I snapped. "I have a f***ing cough. If I want to get baked I'll go to the liquor store and buy some bourbon." I left the box on the counter and walked out, opting to take my business to a store that wouldn't card me for buying cough syrup.

What the hell is society coming to? It's bad enough that old balding geezers in their 60's get carded by pimply-faced kids when buying cigarettes, but now we have to show ID when buying Robotussin? So what if a bunch of stupid kids drink a bottle at a time? Ever hear of something called parenting? Why does society have to penalize the 99.9% of us who AREN'T complete fucktards? As far as I see it, if these kids want to drink a case of DXM and stare at pink elephants all night, before slipping into a coma, then let them. In fact, we should GIVE them all the cough syrup they want for free. Maybe then they won't reproduce and add to the surplus population of buffoons roaming this planet. It would be like a great Robotussin-inspired Dickensian crusade. We could call it "Tussin for Tards."

But I digress.

What's next? Some kids snort the nitrous oxide out of whipped cream canisters. Will I soon need ID to make a frigging banana cream pie? How about Squirrel Nut Zippers? If you eat enough of those you can go into diabetic shock and start seeing things. Maybe we need to start verifying your age before you can be allowed access to caramel-nutty goodness. And what about standing up too fast? You can get a mean head rush from doing that and pass out and dash your head to pieces on your playstation 3. Why isn't Ted Koppel doing a 3 hour investigative report on the dangers of chairs, and the need for legislation? Give me a break. What ever happened to human beings using their God-given judgment to decide what is best for them? Since when does government have to watch our every move to determine whether or not we're making the correct decisions? After all, why mess with such a time-proven process as natural selection?

Anyway, that's my rant for today.

Good night Mrs. Calabash, wherever you are!


Jan 10, 2006
San Jose, CA
I dunno why people fight over small things. Just show the ID and get the shit. I remember that one time where someone posted something about showing your receipt when leaving a store and how some guy raised hell because he didn't want to show it. I dunno w/e in the end you just waste more time and energy over something so small. I mean.. what is the big deal over showing ID? what is the big deal showing your receipt upon leaving the store.

Just speaking my mind.


Trans killer
Dec 5, 2006
Columbus, IN
BorHor;882502 said:
I dunno why people fight over small things. Just show the ID and get the shit. I remember that one time where someone posted something about showing your receipt when leaving a store and how some guy raised hell because he didn't want to show it. I dunno w/e in the end you just waste more time and energy over something so small. I mean.. what is the big deal over showing ID? what is the big deal showing your receipt upon leaving the store.

Just speaking my mind.

I'm somewhat in agreement with you, but this was a major pain in my ass not too long ago (no license, no cold medicine whatsoever). I'm also tired of showing my receipt to the old fuckers that watch the doors at WalMart. If I was stealing something, I'd just ignore them and walk out. All they're doing is delaying legitimate customers. I now only go there if I've tried everywhere else/everywhere else is closed.


Aug 13, 2007
Long Beach, CA
Quin;882504 said:
I'm also tired of showing my receipt to the old fuckers that watch the doors at WalMart.

here in long beach the walmart on carson does that with an old man at the door. but on top of that half of his fingers are missing!!!

they got some weird people workin the night shift. oh and also i was ID'd for fuel additive there wheras i dont at autozone. WTF?!


Aug 13, 2007
Long Beach, CA
johnathan1;882638 said:
Fuel additive?? You tryin' to get more power out of that NA?? :biglaugh: but yea...that's pretty ridiculous that they would ID you for something like that...

honestly, yes:icon_razz

st2b;882639 said:
Advanced Auto wouldn't let me buy any type of paint.

Pretty sad if you ask me.

blame gangs and sniffers. i was able to get away with that at home depot at the self checkout where they they eyeball your age from a distance


I am the Super Devil
Jun 22, 2005
Mississauga, Ontario
I come from the other side. I work at a gas station and i ID people buying cigarettes. It is the law, but i don't ID them unless i really do think they are sub 19. I had this one guy start to yell at me, saying how he is a regular and this and that... i haven't ever seen him there before so i ID him. Is it really that wrong? He decided to continue to swear at me, i told him fuck off and to go somewhere else.
But anyway when cough medicine comes into play, i mean wtf are they thinking?


Conjurer of Boost
Mar 30, 2005
Pauma Valley, CA
BorHor;882502 said:
I dunno why people fight over small things. Just show the ID and get the shit. I remember that one time where someone posted something about showing your receipt when leaving a store and how some guy raised hell because he didn't want to show it. I dunno w/e in the end you just waste more time and energy over something so small. I mean.. what is the big deal over showing ID? what is the big deal showing your receipt upon leaving the store.

Just speaking my mind.

I'm sure when cattle go down the chute to slaughter, it's easier to go that way than fight against the cattle prod. It's easier to give up your freedoms than to fight for them.

I don't think cruel is mad at the action, pulling an ID out and showing them is nothing. It's the requirement for the action that is most frustrating. It's the idea behind it. As well as the more than obvious fact that he is well over 18.


Supramania Contributor
Jan 8, 2007
Baytown, Texas
lol, it wasn't me, but a friend. He's in his 30's, big Italian, and definitely doesn't look 18 or under. Actually, what pisses me off about the whole thing is the lack of common sense. The cashier should have at least a limited amount of brain power, correct? I mean, they can function enough to work the cash register. He obviously had a cold, and was only buying one bottle of cough syrup. He does not look like a kid, in any way, shape, or form.
I have had to deal with this recently, myself. I went to get a box of Mussinex(? The crap that breaks up mucus) for my brother. Couldn't find it on the shelf, asked the pharmacist, and it was behind the counter. She wanted I.D. to sell it to me. When I asked why she said people use it to cook meth. I told her I want one package, not a freaking case of the stuff. Since I have no id, I couldn't buy it. My brother had to go out, sick as a dog, to get the crap himself. I was treated like a criminal simply because I don't have a piece of magic plastic(driver's license) in my wallet. I feel the same about showing a receipt. I do NOT like being accused of being a thief. That is how I consider that action. More times than once I've blatantly ignored them, or told them to get bent. You want to stop theft? Try using real security methods. I have no problems with cameras in stores, or undercover security personnel.
Also, be a good citizen. You see some knucklehead stealing in a store, advice an employee or manager. Hell, call the cops, and tail him out of the store to be picked up. Personally, I like the loud, "why are sticking that shit in your pocket?" method.


New Member
Jul 28, 2006
gilbert, az
My GF has to cashier some times at her work. She had a young girl come though obviously sick and buying One bottle of cough syrup and didnt have ID. My gf could careless what the customer is buying but its store policy to check for ID and not sell without it.

Of course the customer flips out and blames my gf which sucks because its not Her call. I always hate to see employees get pounded for just doing their job. If you want to yell at someone go find a manager lol.

No way Id risk MY job just so stranger can get some stupid cough syrup without their ID. I can see both sides of the ID requirement though. Ive worked at stores and seen meth heads(alot of times younger kids) come in and buy the whole shelf of cough syrup. Making people show Id Might stop some of them. Its the kind of thing that cant be left up to an employee to make a judgment call. If the employee isnt trained to make the call anyone will buy the stuff and it wont matter. If an employee cards a white person but not a black person then its a huge racial issue. Its easier on the company to just blanket card and wash their hands of it.

In the end its like any other company policy, ruins it for paying honest customers and does nothing to ones up to no good.


Panda™ and Pre-89 Gracer™
Feb 19, 2006
Anaheim/West Covina, CA
only ballers buy robitussin. we only got tussin. and when you run out, put some water in the bottle, shake it up....MORE TUSSIN! lol.

it's the same thing with sudafed. i'm not bothered by showing my ID, I get pissed when I need to buy something and the product is only sold at and during Pharmacy hours. Now THAT'S BS!

when I worked at Sav-On, we only allowed ONE Robitussin, Sudafed etc. to be sold per customer w/ ID. That was company policy, and I got bitched out many times for it. it's a good policy to discourage the meth heads, but it's bad for the people that are really sick and need it.