Why push button start, thought I should chime in with why I did it & have been using the system for about 11 years on the Supra without any problems.
Far from being "stupid" it actually simplified a number of systems into one unit.
1) Insurance con-panies insist on them here so, you must install one. This is yet another box under the dash tapping into the ignition switch to stop it from working. So your switch is just sending power to.....another switch. Hmm.
2) Remote starting. Most alarm systems do this now & it's pretty handy, particularly when the miserable country you live in struggles to reach any double figure temperatures for a vast part of the year. Yet ANOTHER box tapping into your already double switch ignition & a whole bunch of additional wires. If a turbo timer was not built into my alarm there would also be ANOTHER module to switch the ignition for that too!!
3) I don't need my key for the doors which unlock remotely so, what if I could do away with the thing all together & combine the entire remote start, immobiliser & ignition key into ONE simple module with half the wires, ONE set of switches to go wrong & cut down on all the stuff on my key ring.
4) Security - there are NO power cables to be found where the ignition switch was so, nothing to tamper with or "hot wire"
The system I designed for the current rebuild is incredibly simple, tiny & incorporates all the above into ONE unit, ONE set of switching contacts (for each circuit ACC/Power/Start) & interfaces/deals with the all systems (starting, immobilising & remote starting) in One module.
It's also effectively gives the car ECU control over cranking duration which makes the car start really well every time, one touch of the button - no holding it in while engine cranks - just like a modern system. Acc comes on automatically when transponders read & ignition can be turned on separately as well as automatically powering up if you just hit start.
Seeming as I had to make up something to allow use of my cruise control with an after market steering wheel, it seemed obvious to also plonk the car starting/power on there too.
It's a clean, easy to use, obvious system. I didn't have to drill any holes in the dashboard for switches.
Boils down to individual requirements at the end of the day. I despise anything Apple make & would have every Ipod burned for the preservation of good quality music however, millions love them.
As for this post, there is a page on my site answering the original question about which wire to cut.
HERE You cut the black/white wire to disable the starter position on the stock switch - although removing the pin from the connector is preferable & insulating it as then, things can be returned to stock if you want to.