I Told You Guys!!!!!!


Starcraft II ^^;;
Mar 30, 2005
Milwaukee, WI
siman said:
Dont dig up old graves Matt. PLEASE.

Thats the problem. Some people are JUST that, and WILL NOT TRY to make it better between the two.

Heck, I work in the O.R. and am making that my CAREER, to HELP PEOPLE and come to conclusions on how to make things better....do you know what type of situations and arguments people ( some including me) get into everyday! The enviroment I choose to work in is by far one of the MOST STRESSFUL you could EVER work in. What I have seen ( just in the past 5 weeks) and done is so much more than the average joe could ever handle. I have a gift for HELPING people in need.....

But it seems on here I am just seen otherwise. :icon_conf

As I wrote a PM to CKanderson, I am one that if I want to avoid something, I leave them alone so they (well supposed to at least) leave ME alone.

I try constuctive criticiszm ( screw the spelling check) on here...but it ends up that I am just pushy or an "ass"....


Really it has nothing to do with me and you, just my observation, this could all be avoided by you.


Mar 30, 2005
Eugene, OR
I watched both versions, can I add my 2 cents?

Here's what I like about it - the music is different and unexpected, the car does look cool, and that road is a really nice location.

But the bad part is bigger - I don't get any feeling of place or any sense of the car from this movie. Instead of me feeling like 'wow, that road is incredible and that car is amazing, how awesome it must be to spend all day winding through the mountain highways all alone' I get the same feeling of 'hey I'm just driving home, nothing happening, oh look an integra with a jdm front, almost home now, derp'. There's not much gravity to the piece, and as the maker of 2 extraordinarily awesomely bad videos, here's why I think that is.

Honestly, it looks like there are 4 different shots and it just switches between 2 of them the most, but for no apparent reason. Slowing down the video as it fades out is slightly distracting, as is the shot from the rear of the car as it raises up pointing at the road all while slowing down. With an el cheapo steadyshot rig you can make these shots totally own, but slowing it down in post just looks bad. And then in the very last shot when the car gets right near the camera you see the 2 guys inside, and then you wonder if the whole point of the piece was about the car or the people driving it or what the hell is going on.

I'm not hating, I'm just hoping your video with all the crazy cars comes out awesome.


Lifetime Ban
Mar 31, 2005
Murfreesboro, TN
It can be avoided moreso by ommiting your opinions from this thread. :naughty:

anywho, on with the real topic.

It will, remember we never got but less than an HOUR of film shooting...and in that we are moving around about 5 miles of road TRYING to get different angle shots and plan where are next shots will be. We planned to shoot for like 8-10 hours that day!

He just compiled what we HAD....and it was ghetto pretty much...but he just made the best of it and made SOMETHING out of it LOL.....


New Member
Sep 26, 2005

I'm getting a divx version up soon, just been busy with other stuff. It's hard to receive complements from these two mini projects when not much effort was put into either.

cwapface said:
I don't get any feeling of place or any sense of the car from this movie. Instead of me feeling like 'wow, that road is incredible and that car is amazing, how awesome it must be to spend all day winding through the mountain highways all alone' I get the same feeling of 'hey I'm just driving home, nothing happening, oh look an integra with a jdm front, almost home now, derp'. There's not much gravity to the piece, and as the maker of 2 extraordinarily awesomely bad videos, here's why I think that is.

The Toyota clip was done spur of the moment, and the Integra video was going to be something special until we were kicked off location. We got zero "real" takes in, and had 15+ cars there. It was extremely unfortunate. All shots in that cut were mostly the same shot cut back and forth because we didn't have any footage, hehe. This explains why there is hardly any "gravity" to the peice. I didn't shoot anything I wanted too. The only reason I even chopped it together was because I didn't want the whole event to have been a complete waste, and I was completely bored.

cwapface said:
With an el cheapo steadyshot rig you can make these shots totally own, but slowing it down in post just looks bad. And then in the very last shot when the car gets right near the camera you see the 2 guys inside, and then you wonder if the whole point of the piece was about the car or the people driving it or what the hell is going on.

Steady shot rigs aren’t for upward motion, or motion with high rates of speed; they're used for mounting the camera on the person for fluent movement. While some steady-cams can rotate upward, none will go high enough to exceed a vehicle’s height. This is due to several reasons, but most importantly, quality cameras aren’t light in weight, and using a steady cam can affect balance tremendously. A steady cam operator has to have a pretty strong back, and it’s definitely not an easy job. They also can't run as fast as a car, so you'd need a camera car, or a custom built dolly with tracks to have a fluid shot tracking with a moving vehicle. The shot you mention with the "jib arm" (basically, a mini crane) tilting up and over the back of the spoiler was going to be used later in the film, with the antagonist (nissan 240 rb25) roaring through that curve. As you can see, we never got to film that shot. It was originally going to be about the character in the passenger seat that you saw, and the Integra was only going to be in the opening sequence. This edit basically consists of random shots attempting to have coherence because we simply didn't get any shots in that related with the story board. I apologize for that, and hope you didn’t waste your time watching these clips.

Both edits are hack jobs, I admit. Give me a chance, and hopefully I can put together something totally worthwhile! Try and enjoy these for what they are until then.
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New Member
Sep 26, 2005
Not sure if he wants to trade. I know a kid out of state who might spend a pretty penny on my car if not. Myspace is pretty sweet advertisement, hehe!


siman said:
The enviroment I choose to work in is by far one of the MOST STRESSFUL you could EVER work in.
Iraq: Would you to know more?

What I have seen ( just in the past 5 weeks) and done is so much more than the average joe could ever handle.
Arrogance: Would you like to know more?

I have a gift for HELPING people in need.....

Bullshit: Would you like to know more?

As I wrote a PM to CKanderson, I am one that if I want to avoid something, I leave them alone so they (well supposed to at least) leave ME alone.

Not sure if you remember oh HOLY HEALER SIMAN! but back in post 31 I simply asked how big the files were.

To which you replied in Post 32
Lanky, Dont even think about asking me another question.

So please explain how that is ....

constuctive criticiszm


Manic Mechanic
Mar 30, 2005
Chesapeake, VA
well those vids DO have good video and editing QUALITY, but artistically I wouldn't call them ground breaking, or anything I would consider to be pleasing.

The songs are interesting and refreshing, but the choice of some of the camera angles and cuts (specifically the obviously staged shifting in the trueno) was a little amateurish.

all in all i say that your camera guy and director have good potential. hopefully they live up to it on your next endeavour.


Mar 30, 2005
Eugene, OR
stevo said:
Steady shot rigs aren’t for upward motion, or motion with high rates of speed; they're used for mounting the camera on the person for fluent movement. While some steady-cams can rotate upward, none will go high enough to exceed a vehicle’s height

By 'el cheapo steadyshot' I mean put the camera on a 2 or 3 foot monopod and attach 10 or 20 pounds to the bottom, that will dampen the movement enough to be really smooth in a pinch and you don't have to wear it like an expensive steadyshot rig. Also you can hang it out of the back of a truck and get super smooth road level shots, but its best to try it with a borrowed camera first :)


New Member
Sep 26, 2005
I made one. very sweet for the price, 14 dollars. hehe

I was contemplating using that but I couldn't get the reach or movement, and opted for a jib arm, which when done correctly looks absolutely beautiful!

I had a fork load of equipment that never got touched in that shoot. Ultra Hood mounts, Ultra window mounts, hmi lights, the whole nine.
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Lifetime Ban
Mar 31, 2005
Murfreesboro, TN
stevo said:
I made one. very sweet for the price, 14 dollars. hehe

I was contemplating using that but I couldn't get the reach or movement, and opted for a jib arm, which when done correctly looks absolutely beautiful!

I had a fork load of equipment that never got touched in that shoot. Ultra Hood mounts, Ultra window mounts, hmi lights, the whole nine.

Yeah. You had ALOT of equipment....ALOT. :icon_surp



Jul 10, 2005
None of your fucking business
So there is all this talk about the integra video and no one has said much about the ae86 vid. So I could explain what it made me think but a picture is worth a thousand words... Yeah its a supra but it could be the movie poster for the toyota movie, What do you think??



  • supra.jpg
    101.7 KB · Views: 39


I think it was the google
Mar 30, 2005
The Farm
Ok for one, WTF is with they guys kissing in the "poster", im guessin your insinuating that the MKII is gay?
and stevo you need to come to the next meet, for the MKIII and get some shots of our cars.
I live in White bluff and know the park rangers for the state park (montgomery bell) up here pretty well and they have the same type roads as natches(sp?) trace, if you want me too, next time i go home i could check and see if they wouldnt mind for some road shots.


Lifetime Ban
Mar 31, 2005
Murfreesboro, TN

The guy above you just thinks he's funny? :icon_conf
:hah, clap.....your cool:.......... :3d_frown:

The AE86 video, for the LAST time, is not ment to be taken seriously. It was made at the spur of a moment, and stephen had movie music stuff from Initial D that he thought would be FUNNY...as in the Initial D anime' series...



Jul 10, 2005
None of your fucking business
D34DC311 said:
Ok for one, WTF is with they guys kissing in the "poster", im guessin your insinuating that the MKII is gay?


No No No, I don't think the mk2 is gay... Let me explain, the music in the video was very "gay" the combination of the music and the weak drifts made me think of the pic my brother always sends me to give me shit...

BTW why is this posted in the Supra Video section anyway, this is Off topic shit if you ask me.

And for you Siman, well I think I'll bite my tongue...




Lifetime Ban
Mar 31, 2005
Murfreesboro, TN
kwnate said:

No No No, I don't think the mk2 is gay... Let me explain, the music in the video was very "gay" the combination of the music and the weak drifts made me think of the pic my brother always sends me to give me shit...

I am guessing you could do better drifts in a N/A car with a short wheelbase? The AE86 chassis is actually one of the HARDER cars to drift because of its peak rpm hp, and its short wheelbase....

BTW why is this posted in the Supra Video section anyway, this is Off topic shit if you ask me.

This is the VIDEO section. If you were here during the old site, you would know about the video and how big it was going to be....My supra was going to be in it...but crap went down with the park rangers and such.

And for you Siman, well I think I'll bite my tongue...

Yeah just do that.....you dont make much sense anyways :3d_frown:



Wow, you dont read:
taken from the FIRST post in the FIRST page:

On another note, here is a video he made like 1.5 years ago when he first started film school. You may recognize it!!!!....it supposed to have the funny " intial D" music....gives it that "HAHAHAH LOL, THAT WAS COOL" effect....

Some people.....just some people.... :joshers: