Alright, so I did the rewire on my knock sensors with 20awg 50ohm coax, and it helped a little bit. So, I decided to replace the sensors. While I was replacing them, I checked my rewire and it checked out fine, no shorts between the shielding and core, and good continuity.
So I get it all back together today and fire up the car and let it warm up. Then I give it a couple small revs, no code. I give it a couple of 5000rpm revs and BAM! Code 52.
I came home and once again hit the search. I find the link to the rewire instructions and the only thing I didn't do the same is I didn't replace the connecters and I have about 3/4 of an inch of the original wire left that I soldered to. Same with the ecu side.
Could this be the reason I'm still throwing code 52? Sometimes you will get the cel shifting into second, just taking off. Other times I have driven the car 100 miles with no cel.
I could really use some good info and advice about now. Supramania experts, what do you think? Thanks, A.J.
So I get it all back together today and fire up the car and let it warm up. Then I give it a couple small revs, no code. I give it a couple of 5000rpm revs and BAM! Code 52.
I came home and once again hit the search. I find the link to the rewire instructions and the only thing I didn't do the same is I didn't replace the connecters and I have about 3/4 of an inch of the original wire left that I soldered to. Same with the ecu side.
Could this be the reason I'm still throwing code 52? Sometimes you will get the cel shifting into second, just taking off. Other times I have driven the car 100 miles with no cel.
I could really use some good info and advice about now. Supramania experts, what do you think? Thanks, A.J.