i think i may have lost the bug


fixer of all things !!
Sep 18, 2008
north dakota
with my recent(and second in two years)bhg.... and the recent hail damage on my car. im finding it very very hard to concentrate any effort on my supra.:icon_mad: snow isnt to terribly far off around here and i have to decide which car to focus my energy on this winter as i only have one stall in my shop. i recently acquired a second datsun 311 for the body... which means my summer project is fast turning into a winter overhaul.

basically i went from a beautifully straight, perfectly running supra.... to a hail damaged,bhg'd delema
what the hell is the next step:1zhelp:


Nov 18, 2009
Becker, Minnesota
what kinda HG did you have dude?! also, drop it in the datsun! haha :\ once you fix it i bet you'll get the bug back. i just started taking things apart on my supra.


fixer of all things !!
Sep 18, 2008
north dakota
factory replacement hg, but i did the replacement before knowing about this site.... done to stock. the original hg had a external coolant leak at the front corner of the head. now i have low compression in two cylinders, and white steamy exhaust. # 2 has 60psi, and #5 has 40psi, the plugs are clean. there is no contamination in the oil as of yet.

"drop 7M in datsun.. put JZ in supra.

or, get out of modding while you still can"

have you ever seen a 311, a 7m is about as big as the car...never gonna happen, and getting out is exactly what the delema is.

"I know this feeling Fix "

if i had your shed....but ya, exactly

"A JZ and body work"

more like a ls-6. the hail damage is definitely fixable, and this will be done if i keep it.


Nov 18, 2009
Becker, Minnesota
fixitman04;1613856 said:
factory replacement hg, but i did the replacement before knowing about this site.... done to stock. the original hg had a external coolant leak at the front corner of the head. now i have low compression in two cylinders, and white steamy exhaust. # 2 has 60psi, and #5 has 40psi, the plugs are clean. there is no contamination in the oil as of yet.

"drop 7M in datsun.. put JZ in supra.

or, get out of modding while you still can"

have you ever seen a 311, a 7m is about as big as the car...never gonna happen, and getting out is exactly what the delema is.

"I know this feeling Fix "

if i had your shed....but ya, exactly

"A JZ and body work"

more like a ls-6. the hail damage is definitely fixable, and this will be done if i keep it.

whoa if you drop an LS in that thing i dont wanna be ahead of you when you do a burn out again LOL your car wouldn't have enough brake power to stop that thing!


Kurt is FTMFW x2!!!!
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 30, 2005
I haven't had a Supra on the road (or even with a motor in it, all by choice, not because I broke stuff) in about five years. I know it's easy to lose the bug, but think of how the car makes you feel when it's properly set up. If that's not enough to keep you going then perhaps it's time to sell.

I picked up a fun summertime DD ('95 M3) and modified it to my liking, performed a crap-ton of PM, and still yearn for the Supra to be finished. Maybe I'll get off my ass and do it sometime soon...


Classifieds Moderator
Staff member
Mar 26, 2006
Just looked up the 311... Always liked those, but never knew we got them in the states. :)

That said, I kinda lost interest in modding cars (and nearly Supras in general) when my bottom end started knocking a long time ago. My own fault, for not taking the precaution to do the bearings and oil pump while I was doing the BHG fix, but it still kinda killed a lot of love I had for the car. Felt like things were spiraling out of control... Was gonna go 2j, but found a 1j with everything I needed/wanted for the swap and decided on that. It's lightly modded with a bit of head work, and an absolute blast for a year round daily driver. Been loving it again for 11 months as of today. As long as you get a good motor and take care of it, the love will stay. I think it's kinda hard to ever "leave" Supras, to be honest with you. I tried... made it about 3-4 months before I bought my 89. :p


Supramania Contributor
Dec 13, 2007
Abbotsford, BC
My buddy has a black 88 turbo that has going through it's fourth engine rebuild and has been rebuilt from a "totalled" status by ICBC from a hit and run by himself and his dad. Every time it dies on him he goes through a lot of grief as to oh well should I sell it now or just fix it or what to do, until he gets in and brings it to full throttle after break in. At that point it's all worth it :)


fixer of all things !!
Sep 18, 2008
north dakota
i plan to fix the car either way, it really has no value not running and i have a lot in it. as to keeping it... i really dont know. in my mind i have moved on... it is my second supra and my second major disappointment related to one.
my first supra i rebuilt the drivetrain and due to personal tragedy/circumstances i was forced to leave it behind in colorado. i never looked back on it as far as i know it is still sitting in rifle colorado on a hillside at my former girlfriends parents house. there is no going back for it. im not going into any more detail on that one.

im just lost as to how to continue with this one. i have lost the spark. i dont know if it is re-achievable.

aye mate

Hiatus over.
Mar 30, 2005
I recently started working on my car after it sitting for almost three years. I was very busy the last few years with starting a new career and getting married last year, I just didn't have time or the desire. Now that we have a house and a detached 2 car garage I find it a nice way to get away from my wife and still feel like I am accomplishing something. Its kind of nice cause other that tinkering with it enough so I could drive it to my new house I literally did not touch the car for almost three years and after working on it for 2 days I still know the little tricks for accessing tricky parts, it just feels natural and I find that inspiring. So if you have the means to store it and you can afford to, keep it!


Classifieds Moderator
Staff member
Mar 26, 2006
KMinAF;1616334 said:
Park it somewhere safe, wrap it in a tarp and let it sit until you feel better.

Good advice. I deeply regret selling my 88, sold it under a very similar set of feelings... I guess with mine, nothing was wrong with the car, but lots was wrong with the owner at the time. ;)