I think I f-ed something up...


SM Expert on White trash
Sep 26, 2006
Weatherford, Texas, United States
I swapped throttle bodies on my car. It had a manual TB so I put an auto TB on it. I swapped the TPS from the manual to the auto and hooked everything back up and the video below shows what's happening. No codes.

I couldn't find the better camera so the audio is crap. Look at the tach, I'm not touching the gas pedal at all. What did I screw up?



New Member
Jun 20, 2006
Yeah, I believe you've got to use a ohm meter. Measure the resistance at closed, partial, and open throttle; the resistances should match up to the tsrm values. Unfortunately, I don't know those numbers off the top of my head.


creepy-ass cracka
Jul 11, 2005
Redacted per Title 18 USC Section 798
The IDL contact is staying on when you press the pedal. Usually adjusting the TPS won't fix that (not enough range in the holes) but you can try. See how much pedal it takes to get a code 51 with the engine off and in diag mode. If you never get one all the adjusting in the world isn't going to help unless you can take it off and put it back on in a different position. This is because IDL is staying closed, unlike the typical problem where it never closes, which requires adjustment.

Your IDL signal is staying on either because of a bad TPS, a short in the wiring, the TPS not being mounted properly, or the throttle shaft not mechanically turning it. Rather than screw around with a meter trying to measure IDL let the ECU do it for you: When IDL is open (12 volts) in diag mode the ECU will flash a code 51. When closed it won't. Therefore all you have to do is step on the pedel and see if 51 comes up.

It should come up with very little pedal movement engine off or by 1100-1300 rpm engine on. If it doesn't come up at all (which I doubt it will based on your symptom) than investigate all of the things mentioned above.