I spent the last few hours traveling down memory lane...


Has cheezberger
Aug 31, 2005
It's funny how life is... I just went through and read so many of my old threads... Some were hilarious... It was nice... I used to be kind of a big deal, that was nice... It was funny reading the thread when Tamara and I split, and then the meeting of my next exwife, Christy... It's odd, because as I'm reading it, I'm laughing remembering the situations I was discussing...if I only knew then what I know now... One of the unique things about social media, is that it becomes a time capsule of sorts, locking in the moments in time you wish to discuss... You can go back years later and read this stuff and laugh, and think, and remember... Compare then to now, where you are, what you're doing, how you've evolved... How open I used to be to how closed I am now... How social I was, to how quiet I am now... I was going to finish this, change that, over come those obstacles... I've done a lot of what I said, more than I thought I would in other areas, adjusted, adapted, evolved... But there are still things about me that haven't changed, and some that have that I wish I could change back... I love this site... It pains me to know that I don't know half you people anymore... The ones I was so close to are so distant from me, the connections I had are lost, and I've been trying for so long to get that back... I thought when I moved to Washington, I would be able to embrace what I've been missing, but that didn't work out, and instead of getting closer, it pushed me further away... I've been working and saving my money, I want another Supra... I'll have another one... I'm too in love with this car not to have another one... But, it was nice to read some old things, and remember... Now time for reality...the present...and right now, I'm freakin hungry, so I'm gunna go get some noms... Love you guys...



Join the 92 Owners Group
Jul 11, 2005
Satsuma, Alabama, United States
This place did used to be fun Jake. Now, it's more of a used parts store. Many of the fun people are gone. Some of them mysteriously chime in once every 6-12 months. Some of us old fuckers that you knew before are still here, and we still love ya no matter which end of this country you call home.

Insidious Surmiser

Formerly 89jdm7m
May 12, 2006
yeah... I used to be on here regularly shooting the shit, but after my car was totaled, well, I already struggle with depression as it is, but that pushed me over the edge. I was able to get another mk3 together, and that had me going for a little while till it was stolen. That really just crushed my heart, and I spent several years just drinking and smoking herb (and cancer sticks) all the damn time. I've just recently mustered the will to move on, and I've given up all of my bad habits in order to get another mk3 together, and do it right.

There's always time for this and time for that, but there's always a bit of slack... if only the tiniest bit. And that is why I think there's always enough time to have a beer with your friends. Just relax, enjoy life, and shoot the shit.


YotaMD.com author
Nov 10, 2006
When I was just getting into the mk3 scene and sm crowd you seemed to be pretty active. I used to cruise these forums and enjoy Kyle's insanity with his gay blue car with mesh wheels and borris. Adjuster showing his incredible mk3 mixed in with anti-liberal rants. Jdub actively posting, introduction of the SME sections...

Sigh... I don't know if it was because I was in college and life was just all more adventurous then, but its definitely not the same anymore.

Now I feel like most my time is spent babysitting temporary, cheap-ass mk3 owners instead of learning from legends. :(

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2


Classifieds Moderator
Staff member
Mar 26, 2006
suprarx7nut;1911338 said:
Now I feel like most my time is spent babysitting temporary, cheap-ass mk3 owners instead of learning from legends. :(
Wait until they invite you to be a mod. :rofl:

We missed ya Jake. Once Supra family, always Supra family, even if we are all a little bit "off" haha... I don't know about everyone else, but 2007-2008 was a really rough period on me as well, and it has taken me all these years to get to a stable place in life. I have Supras and the friends I have because of them to thank for a majority of that. :)

Insidious Surmiser

Formerly 89jdm7m
May 12, 2006
Yeah, I tried that route (working on things with friends) turns out I woulda been 100% better off just being an absolute loner. Not because my friends don't know what they're doing... I was supposed to be running a shop w/ my best friend in '08. That went to hell real fast, along w/ my car, both our tools, parts, other project cars. All stolen one sunday. It's a long story, and not really worth telling, but suffice it to say that trouble follows my friend around. And specifically because he wouldn't heed my words of advice. Shit, he wouldn't even stick to his own words. Good guy, but mistakes were made, and continue to be made... one hell of a mechanic though.


naughty by nature
Staff member
Aug 26, 2005
Roll Tide
I know I used to be addicted to the site. Now life has gotten in the way. It was hard to get work done in the past, because I was always on here. Now when I get on, I troll the parts for sale threads hoping to find someone at fault so I can rough them up a little and have prison sex with them. Unfortunately for me, everyone seems to actually read the rules for posting before they post. What about my needs? What about my fantasies? You can only be the pivot man in a circle jerk soo many times before you want your time...........and damnit, I'm suffering from carpal tunnel in the wrists and it's my time to get jer.................sorry for the tangent. I'm old now and my mind wanders.

Either way, I miss you Jake. Shaeff is a great cuddle buddy, but he's changed since you've quit coming around. A threesome just isn't as much fun when there's only two of you.


Happy as hell :D
Jan 15, 2006
Mount Vernon, WA, USA
I'm with ya'll on everything. The forum really has changed over the last few years. I'm just now returning from a 6 month hiatus after the PacNW Supra Nationals left my Supra with no brakes (hardline failure) and me depressed and too broke to fix it. We all change, although not all of us. Life moves fast, enjoy what you have when you have it because you never know when things will make a hard left into a wall.

Jake, you have my number. I only work Friday night through Monday mornings and am home the rest of the time. I'm here anytime you need me brother.


Boobs/Boost, my favorite
Jun 13, 2006
Los Angeles
I read my old replies from time to time on various forums. Funniest is on the 240sx forums where I hated manuals. Now that's all I'll drive..

good times, good times..


Classifieds Moderator
Staff member
Mar 26, 2006
suprahero;1911686 said:
Either way, I miss you Jake. Shaeff is a great cuddle buddy, but he's changed since you've quit coming around. A threesome just isn't as much fun when there's only two of you.
Yeah, cause with just the two of you, it's... awkward. :gaybar:


I think it was the google
Mar 30, 2005
The Farm
Sup reign...I'm kinda in the same boat as you...don't talk much on here anymore...lots of the old crowd is...afk? lol