I quit smoking...


Are U Here 2 take My Baby
good job, 4 days is a lot as short as it may sound to a non-smoke. Nicotine is the worlds most powerful drug and its legal. I mean its more addictive than meth and meth is 10x more addictive than crack and im sure everone on this board has met atleast/knows 1(not to compare cigarette smokers to crackheads or anything, i smoke myself). I think the biggest test will be when u drink alcohol(if u drink) or when u just wake up after a nites sleep or after a meal. Those are times are times i crave the most. If your frineds smoke that also makes it harder, but i applaude u for trying, as for mei plan on doing it this year,but right now mentally im not ready yet.


supra and I - Broke
Apr 2, 2005
Bellingham, WA
as a non smoker i have dumb ideas about quitting, but i think that everytime you crave a cig, you should instead do a handstand (well, try to). doing hand stands at random times during the day will make you feel stupid probably so you won't want to do them, then maybe you won't want to smoke either:dunno:


Ok..so Day One made me realize just how bad I had it...just about a pack a day habit...and cold turkey just dropped it...had a hard time concentrating today...felt more tired than usual...disorientated at times...wow...never realized how much a craving i could have until i started to deny them..

intense stuff..


Its been 4 years and a couple of months since I quit after smoking for 15 years and it was one of the best things I could have done. It was hard and I also quit cold turkey, it is the only way to quit. I used jolly ranchers everytime I wanted a smoke. I gained a good 20lbs from eating carrots and other finger fruits and veggies and still have not been able to lose the weight but I feel so much better than I used to. Good Luck and just remember that you have the choice whether or not to smoke.


forgot to add that to this day I still get the occasional urge.