avp23;1073771 said:we'll i get like one email aday LOL people telling me how rediculus my price is and how nobody can get a aloan for that much. im thinking man these people must have bad credit cause you can still get a personal loan. i dont know how many weeks i keep posting it on craigslist. I'll put it on ebay as soon as i get the better dash and new radiator. I dont daily drive it at allso it just sits in its garage.
Anybody taking the time to bash you on the price doesn't deserve your car. Respectfully asking for a lower price is one thing but bashing is bullshit.
Have you posted it in a few locations or maybe in other locations on craigslist? You might see where MKII's get sold most often and post there... for a car this nice surely someone might want to travel for it.
Or do what Duane says, keep it. :icon_bigg