Temp changes can do lots on a turbo car, I keep my HKS MBC set to 10psi since im on stock HG and fuel and well if it drops from being 80 or 90 like in summer and early fall to being in 60's or even 70's in fall it goes up to fc at around 2900 rpms so yea, temp can do things like that. Sounds liek you have a badass car, send me your address so I can come relieve you of it, LOL just kidding............... well not really
meh im 23 and i agree. 450rwhp is bout the limit for a dd street vehicle.
past that malloy hope ya get it all figured out. out here in east tx where its 105+ in the summer has been down into the upper 30s low 40s now. boost went from 18psi to well over 20 now with the temp drop. being reintroduced to fc = ftl. you and i need bigger tires i think
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