Many years ago I worked as a mechanic in a Mercedes Benz dealership in Columbia SC. I was bending over the engine bay of a 1972 280SEL with the 4.5L V8 with a complaint of a rough idle. So I was doing my due diligence looking for vacuum leaks, bad plug wires, and the normal things you do to cure a rough idle. Wanting to duplicate the complaint, I had set the handbrake and put the car in gear. So here I am leaning over the fender well, one foot on either side of the right front wheel when for some unexplained reason I reached over and blipped the throttle once. These V8's had torque!! Immediately the engine responded, and the car leaped forward stopping on top of my right foot. Guess what I did first? Yeah, you guessed it, looked around to see who was watching!
I stood there for a minute or two and thought about my dilemma. Naturally I did not call anyone to help, too embarrassed. I eventually worked my foot out of the shoe, then walked around and backed the car up to recover my shoe. Never did that again!
John in Texas
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Calling Homer Simpson.