After I started having trouble with the red I started researching them and saw/heard a lot of other people with "stored" cars having the same issues with the red. My car sits a lot, I might run it once a month.
MKIIINA: I don't know if you came out to the meet at BoneDaddy's we had a few months ago, but I drove the supie for over an hour to get there, volt meter gauge read 14+ all the way, but after we finished eating we went out to get lined up for pics and my car would not start (volts were already down at 11, and dropped to 9 after I tried starting), a few guys had to push start me. This was with the red top with very little miles on it, right at about 1000 miles.
I can't say every red top is like this, but after my run in with them and seeing a lot of others with the same problems, I decided to go with the yellow as I have had no issues with the one in the bmw. :dunno: And so far so good with the yellow on the supie.