I hate VISTA, and what's an SM Bus controller?


Supramania Contributor
Mar 30, 2005
Reign_Maker said:
Ok well this cleared up the problem with the SM Bus problem too... God, Im afraid toput Vista back on here, lol... Well, on THERE, that other comp...
Are you obligated to put Vista back on? If not I would just forget about it.


New Member
Mar 9, 2007
Windows 7 (formerly codenamed Blackcomb, then Vienna) is a future version of Microsoft Windows. It is expected to be the successor to Windows Vista. Microsoft has confirmed that the planned development time frame is at least three years, putting the release date around 2010[1]. On July 20, 2007, Microsoft confirmed that Windows 7 is "the internal name for the next version of the Windows Client OS".[1]



I play with fire
Jul 22, 2006
Fort Worth, TX
you'll get a faster running system and better usage of the resources you have by using XP...

update ALL your drivers now that you have internet (drivers on the CD's that come with hardware are usually a bit old)


Back in the game!
Jul 16, 2006
Kai said:
Even SP1 is shown to have bugger all performance increase. No point in moving to Vista at all, barring DX10 support, and most cards that support DX10 suck at it :D

It leaches 11% of my 3.5gb(recognised) of ram


7Ms are for Cressidas
Apr 1, 2005
Woodstock, GA
mkiiSupraMan18 said:
^ Never... c'mon...

Never, and I've been running XP since before SP1. It has been run on a 733Mhz Intel machine, 1.2Ghz AMD, 2.8Ghz P4 with HT, an AMD Sempron [forgot which speed], a Celeron 2.53Ghz and an AMD Opteron [dual core] 1.8Ghz. Then again, I have always built and configured my own systems [aside from the 2.53, which is a Dell for my wife] and I maintain them properly. With this wide variety of hardware and no problems, even now running a striped RAID array I'd say XP is quite stable. Most problems with XP stem from people who neglect their system or do not have the time to learn or keep up on computer maintenance.
This includes simple things like:
Deleting cache and cookies regularly.
Spyware/Virus checks regularly.
Deleting/uninstalling unused files and programs.
Defragmenting/Scanning the hard disk.
Opening the case to dust and check the fans.
Registry cleaning [run "msconfig" and look at the startup tab at the very minimum].


Conjurer of Boost
Mar 30, 2005
Pauma Valley, CA
Glad to hear you got your driver issues worked out Reign, usually I recommend most people stick with XP, but I picked up a copy of vista so I could get familiar with it and be able to help people when they had questions. Funny thing is, on the computer I put vista on it has been the most stable windows variant yet alone operating system I have yet to run. Never ran into a single driver issue. The only small hick up was with quicktime. It took apple a little longer then it should have to make it compatible (intentionally or unintentionally). Another feature I really like is speed boost, I use a 4GB high speed SD card and it cuts ~10 sec of my boot up time and make every thing else, especially frequently used programs run a little snappier. It by no means will replace Linux as my operating system of choice, but I have been quite surprised with Microsoft's latests offering. I guess I've been one of the lucky ones, but vista has been good to me.


I play with fire
Jul 22, 2006
Fort Worth, TX
seen the new "don't give up on vista" mac commercials?

Sounds like you where lucky Dirgle...

Also, the issue with XP is the typical issues of the most used version of Windows....it gets HACKED. I run server OS's because they're usually not targetted as easily, and can be stripped down a hell of a lot more.

You really need to go through your services and look at them and figure out what you DON'T need. There are TONS of services that run 24/7 that you will NEVER, EVER use, and many more than you'll use rarely, and the OS will tell you they're needed to do the operation. Go in turn em on, do the operation, turn em back off...