As the title states, I hate the fact I am inclined to believe things that are outlandish. Especially too good to be true deals. Well, I work in a Pool Hall, so it's expected. A guy tells me he'll sell me a cue for $150, I say sure. He thinks I'm joking, I'm thinking he's serious. I come up with some money and he looks at me with a "Are you kidding me?" look and we all have a good laugh at it. The cue is actually worth about $800. This guy has a history with me of just yanking yer chain. I don't mind that he was kidding but if he wasn't, I'd have taken it, but it never hurt to try. I didn't even know what the value of the cue was, and I just looked it up. So it'll be yet another good story to share around the pool hall, and yeah, I got a little red in the face, but I just wish I wasn't so gullible. However, I wouldn't also like to be totally skeptical, although shit like this tends to make me more that way. This is almost as bad as when I fell flat on my face right in front of the owners and managers. I still consider that one to be worse. This one was just mental pain, falling flat is more physical. Still, I just can't believe I believed him for even an instant. I thought I was more skeptical than that. Shouldn't let my guard down, not even for a second. Bah. I need a turkey sandwich.