i got punked


Bay Area Supras
Apr 1, 2005
Bay Area, CA
streetknight said:
wow dude sorry to hear u bitching about someone road testing ur car. when u go to a dealer ship they road test ur car just to make sure that everything is runing right. im tellling u this cause i work for toyota and have worked for lexus. i understand u think they were joy riding ur car. but i have been in customers cars with other techs, and about 1/3 of them are the one that go crazy sometimes. most of the times its up and down a few streets just to make sure its safe for u to drive. if they did any warranty work on ur car they are getting payed by the manufacture to road test ur car. i personally would rather have them drive it to see if ur cars safe to drive then have a wheel fall off on the customer.
yeha, when i was there today the manager said every car is road tested. it's understandable, but the guy told me they didn't do that when i originally dropped it off, said it wouldn't leave the lot. so who knows if they beat on it when driving it or not, but shags said that every car that went into the nissan he worked at got driven to hell.

i woke up and was there when they opened at 9am today. talked to the service manager, showed him what happened. he just apologized, wrote everything down, made an appointment for me on wensday to drop off the car and they'll take care of everything. getting a loaner from them, just gonna be a G sedan base model, thats all they have. i'm satisfied now, not gonna go back there, but at least my car will be back to the way it was orginally at no cost to me.

oh, and btw. duane smoked matt :biglaugh:


rip ssb
Mar 30, 2005
melbourne, fl
yeah every car i work on i try to road test it. just because if the tech does not do it. he cannot verify what he did solved the problem or is safe for the customer to drive around. but if u dont like there service go to another dealer. its your best bet.


Sep 12, 2005
here is some shit, my drive shaft busted becase they said when i slid
''i thaught i was drifting'':biglaugh: that the car came back to Hard and it caused the motor to shift and the shaft to break whatever yadayada... so i go to the delearship and i see a mk4 white tt. i walk in the service thing with my dad and come to find out that this is the guy who has the mk4. ok we pay way to much for the shit to be fixed 2700$$:icon_evil and i ask him do u need to drive it, he says only about half a mile ok i said. so i right down the trip wich was liek 678 or somethin like that and he says to come back the next day. so we come back and we turn the corner in my dads rx7 tt at the time (he sold it)and i see my car lined up next to the mk4 like its gonna race down the side street. like 15 seconds after we turned down the street they launch. my dad drops into 1st and nails it. all the people from the delership just here the car and start yelling stop stop. we end up and the end of the street and it is a dead end:evil2: so we park sidewayz and get out. my dad starts bitchin the guy out and i go to look at the trip and it says 933. i told my dad n he went nuts. basiclly this is what happened. we told the one of the head guys and we got our money back. for the guy in my car he was fired and the other guy in the mk4 he was put on probation. fuckin assholes drove my car around and i cant even do that for like another month till im 16. damn asssholes. fyi my dads rx7 had 556 hp and we caught them like nothing i thaught it was pretty funny to see the mk4 shit his pants at that dead end. they put like 255 miles on it. the guy said they didnt drive it but i know what happened. someone took it home and went joy riding. my car has about 140000 miles and im glad they didnt fuck anything up. althogh i have a dent on the left front panel and my bumper by the intercooler is all yellowish shit that is under the paint that you get from speeding. fuckin car was mint and now i have to fix the dent and i cant do n e thing about the color not even touch up because it is to rare.. damn assholes. :icon_evil

aye mate

Hiatus over.
Mar 30, 2005
^ you paid 2700 bucks for a DS and labor? You got jacked! I woulda bought a one piece from SS(500) and put it in my self(about 30mins and FREE)


Bay Area Supras
Apr 1, 2005
Bay Area, CA
aye mate said:
^ you paid 2700 bucks for a DS and labor? You got jacked! I woulda bought a one piece from SS(500) and put it in my self(about 30mins and FREE)

if u read his post he was 15 at the time.

maybe his dad with the modded 7 could so it as a project with him? but either way i doubt it was something he could have done himself

just to update, i have an '04 maroon 4 door g35 base model to drive now. doesn't get anywhere near the attention my g gets. doesn't have the looks or the sound of my car. but it's not too bad for a free rental.

my car should be done monday, that means i get to put all the miles on this one since i work friday-> monday .